I have bowled over 17 years, in this city,and I really love the game. The passion for the game has come and gone, and I feel its coming back. I can't answer for everybody, but I can for me. The reason I bowl is a combination two things, the thrill of victory and the MONEY. When bowling leagues got to the point that when you win, when you bowl for 36 weeks, when you practice to beat every team you bowl, and when you dedicate yourself to be the best and be on top, and you win first place out of 36 teams there is nothing, there is no reward at the finish line, there is no money, no gold, no recognition, absolutely nothing.
Leagues in this city feel as though everybody deserves the same thing. You can finish 5th place in a league, and you will receive about $50 more than the team in 15th place and $80 more than last place. There is no glory for you being first. They almost punish you for finishing first. You are the outcast because you are the infamous, GOOD BOWLER,
200 BOWLER, PRO-BOWLER. They act as if you were born a 200 bowler you never practice and put the time in the game to become as good as you are.
They want to bowl league once a week and beat you when they bowl you,
they want to set the rules, to fit the handicap bowlers. Bowlers do not want to get better, they want to average 170 for 20 years and win tournaments because they have a million pins, and in league they want 100% of 220 or 230 and they want to beat you without any effort." I can't afford a new ball", " I don't want to pay $200 for a piece of equipment that might make me better", "I don't have time to practice", "I can't understand that book on how to make spares." I might be exaggerating a bit, but you have heard it. We all have excuses! Why do YOU bowl league, Real Bowlers have come up with a league where the winner will be rewarded. $10,000 first place. Thursday night at METRO LANES. Thursday night was the men's night, women were not allowed, why should the men be the only ones to make money. Why should men be the only ones to have real competition. The people that I have heard complaining about there's no money, everybody is equal leagues, they have all the excuses as to why they don't , and can't bowl. This year I have a goal of being the first woman to bowl 300 and 800 at METRO LANES, so thanks to all the ladies that have the potential to beat me to this challange, but also have all the excuses as to why they cant bowl at METRO in the REAL BOWLERS MIXED LEAGUE. And the question was, why do YOU bowl league?

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I must say that I agree with everything that you say. . I have been bowling for a while and just in the past couple of years I have really started to get better.I have a desire to win. I also understand that with that desire requires action. I have watched dozen of tapes, gotten lessons from reputable coachs, spent hundreds of dollars on bowling balls and I have been in the bowling alley for hours on end practicing. So I am perplexed when I hear "bowlers" make comments such as: "Why do you need all of those balls?" " Why are you practicing that when that is not the shot?" "This league was fun until all you serious bowlers came here," and "I'm glad somebody ELSE won!" I have heard all of these comments plus more. I realize that people are at different places in their lives and that for some people bowling is just something to do. They have no desire to get better. It still brothers me that we cant get a strong women league to grow. Despite all of that I still love the game. I bowl because of that love, the thrill of victory and for the money. I bowl because I enjoy the fact that I have gotten to the point where I can win. I don't consider myself a "good/great" bowler but I know that I can hang with the best of them.
Why arent there any good scratch leagues anymore? The city has so many high average bowlers but no scratch leagues. How about a scratch sweeper?I am afraid that with the easy lane conditions and todays equipment that the game is losing interest.
I also bowl for the thrill of victory and definitely for the money. I love to win thats part of what makes me tick. I personally do not like to bowl on teams unless I feel we have a chance at winning. But I think it is also important to have teammates that feel the same way.

Also Kyle, we are going to start doing some Scratch Sweepers starting next month so keep your ears open.
You are absolutely correct. You work hard on your game, keep your equipment up to date, play hard every night and end up giving 90% of your edge to the casual bowler and /or the sandbagger.
Also league prize funds are too generous at the bottom. I don't see why someone finishing last in a league should get $200 or $300 back. Last place should get $100 tops.
I agree with what Isom Hawes said concering scratch bowlers being stuck in the middle, having to deal with handicaps and professional bowlers. We are stuck in the middle.
Greeatings to all. I bowl for the love of the game and also for the money. I've been in Atlanta for 19 years and have been bowling for those 19 years. I totally agree with Theo. It is very important to have a good chemistry on your team. I want my teammates to have the same thrill and desire to win as I do. I hate to lose. I know that is not good because there always has to be a winner and a loser. I am always striving to be on the winning side. I really don't get a chance to practice much. I guess if I put forth a little my time in my game I could be a very very good bowler. I definately wanted to bowl in the Thursday league at Metro but I didn't have a team. I didn't want to just show up to be put on a team. Like I stated earlier, chemistry means alot. Allison my goal will be right there with you in bowling a 300 and 800. Let's go for it.
The reason I bowl on leagues is for the competiveness,the money and because I love the game. League bowling helps me keep that edge and to stay sharp when I get ready for tournaments. I've been bowling in Atlanta for 12 years and I must admit things have change for the "200+" bowler. Many of us have been at this for years some more than others. You put in the work and it seems your reward is the handicap bowlers get more pins every year instead of trying to improve their game. I hate to hear people say, "well I don't do this for a living, I have a job." Well so do I, I don't bowl to make a living I bowl because that's what I do. For those of you who can make a living bowling, that is great! To do something you love and make money is wonderful. I love that the McNair brothers are able to do what they do for the "Real Bowlers". I was really excited about bowling in the league until something "unexpected" arose. Allison I like challenges hopefully I will be able to bowl as a roster member before January.
Allison, first of all welcome th the site. The reason why women are not allowed in most mens leagues is because there are alot of, excuse me if i seem a little bit out of line "MEN IN SKIRTS." Take the thursday early mens league held at cedar creek. Go in there and look around that is all you see. Men who complain bout everything just to get there way whats is best for him or his team. I would give anything if people would understand that this is 2008 and not 1950, i think the men are just afraid that a women might beat them. All i can say is more power to you and all the rest of the women bowlers out there.

Reason why I bowl league is 1 to have fun and 2 just something to do on a weeknight to relive some stress from work. But im not a big fan of league bowling in Atlanta, never been since i moved down here from Wilmington NC bout 2 years ago league bowling was just to serious down here. I dont like to invest in side pots alot in league because to me league was fun when i was a Junior bowler, i still want to be able to have fun in this sport and dont treat it like a job. I dont want to say "I HAVE TO GO BOWLING," but "I WANT TO GO BOWLING." I dont bowl for a living and dont want to. My job is my income, bowling is not. But again welcome to the site and would give anything to see a MIXED SCRATCH LEAGUE no cap on the league.

Very good point i will say seriously. I work hard at my game just like you and really dont like it when i bowling a team with a 150 avg shot a nice 600 set on me with 3 200 games. But that is way the league play is set up. But all i can say is we are not forced to bowl league so really cant complain bout it. If my guy who i am bowling shoots 220 with 20 pins i got to shoot 241 to win and that is all there is to that. Again really good post kenny.

Kenny Taylor said:
You are absolutely correct. You work hard on your game, keep your equipment up to date, play hard every night and end up giving 90% of your edge to the casual bowler and /or the sandbagger.
Also league prize funds are too generous at the bottom. I don't see why someone finishing last in a league should get $200 or $300 back. Last place should get $100 tops.
I agree with what Isom Hawes said concering scratch bowlers being stuck in the middle, having to deal with handicaps and professional bowlers. We are stuck in the middle.

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