Are there any ladies that will be or interested in bowling the RBT Marietta Scratch Open, May 24?

I was thinking about competing with the men and was wondering if anyone else (ladies) would be interested.

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I will be in the building as well. lol I need a tuneup before we hit Florida.
Count me in.
I have been thinking about it. I am undecided.
Maybe if we get enough women, Theo would consider doing something for the top lady. Just a thought
Yes Quan,
I feel if we get at least 5 women we can do $100 to the top woman. That's if there is not one of you ladies that don't make it into cash. But, between the four of you that possibly are bowling I can't see where one of you will not make it into the money.

Quantrelle Green said:
Maybe if we get enough women, Theo would consider doing something for the top lady. Just a thought
I will be there as well.
I would be interested. I live in that area so I was strongly interested.
From the replies i've seen so far it looks like we should have at least 5 ladies for Sunday so that ensures at the very least that the highest lady out of the money will get $100.00. The names i've garnered so far is......
Quan Greene
Tesa Dyson
Tameka Jackson
LaTonya Walker
Daphne Smith
Nisa (i think)

Any one of you ladies should definitely finish in the would be awesome if all of you did. Put your game face on and we will see you Sunday.
Thank you Ladies for coming out and bowling on yesterday! Thanks to Quan for inspiring the others to come out.
There were a total of 6 ladies; Quantrelle Green, Adrienne Miller, Daphne Smith, Tameka Jackson, Nisa Shaheed and LaTonya Walker. You ladies definitely added some flavor to the tournament hope to see you again in the future.

Congrats to Adrienne Miller of Albuquerque, NM for cashing in the top 16 and Daphne Smith of Simpsonville, SC for being the high lady out of the cash.
Thanks Ladies for bowling in the tournament.....hopefully we can continue this trend and create a division with in the event. Like Theo said, you definitely add a different feel to the tournament.....i believe you even inspired some of the fellas to bowl better than usual. Thanks again for coming out, your participation was appreciated and enjoyed.
I also would like to thank the ladies who were able to attend. It was fun and I hope to be apart of more events in the future.

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