Sept 27 th Results from Pla Mor Huntsville
Bowler's Advantage Scratch Tournament Series

1 MARK DILLARD $1,500.00
3 KYLE BARNES $365.00
4 ERIC WILEY $365.00
6 AARON HAYES $250.00
10 BRIAN KRAMER $175.00
11 CHRIS WHITE $175.00
12 TONY CAMPAGNA JR. $175.00
14 BOB HALE $175.00
16 DAKOTA JORDAN $175.00
19 BEN WELLS $100.00
20 TYLER CORBIN $100.00
24 JAMES WILLMON $100.00

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Hate to be the the people that finished 25th thru 32nd. What a shame, make the cut and to not get paid. All qualifiers should get paid. This is a great tournament but should always cut to cashiers. Just my opionion.
You can only payout what you have. To me in a match play tournament you should have to beat somebody to get paid. Just because you were in the top 32 doesnt mean you should get paid. In my opinion. Plus, if I was in 24th place out of 80 bowlers I would be happy just to get something.

They run a great tournament.

Kennylaneshark said:
Hate to be the the people that finished 25th thru 32nd. What a shame, make the cut and to not get paid. All qualifiers should get paid. This is a great tournament but should always cut to cashiers. Just my opionion.
Yeah but you know as a tourney director that if you make the cut you should get paid. Kinda stupid not to cash just because you have the bottom 8 losing scores while the top 8 losing scores get something for bowling that first round of matches. Just doesn't makes sense to me. I and many others from that area have voiced the same issue to Kelly. He does run a good tournament.
If I recall right you had to make two cuts in the old Eliminator in Vegas to cash. You could make the first cut (win your match) and get nothing.
Hey randy. in the mini all bowlers didn't get paid in the first round unlike bowlers advantage. Half the round of 32 losers didn't get paid. They got paid based on higher losing score. Doesn't makes sense. Always cut to cashiers. Come up and bowl with the sharks at Paradise Lanes in Spartanburg, S.C. on Nov. 15th. $1000 guaranteed to win.
I agree with Kenny. I think if you didnt make the top 1 in 4 or whatever the cash ratio is then you shouldnt have a chance at cashing. Just cut to the Cashiers.
Guys the cut is based on the number of bowlers they get, i dont see anything wrong with the format. The bowlers that participate know what their chances are before they bowl.....they've used this format for the last 8 years and it seem to be working well for them based on the numbers they attract. The thing we all need to realize is that there are different types of tournaments and i would classify this as a matchplay tournament. In a matchplay tournament i feel that you must beat someone to cash.....just because you make matchplay should not guarantee you cash. Their format get a little tricky when they draw 80+ bowlers because they take 32 bowlers for matchplay when they only pay 24. Maybe they will adjust the format to take only 24 for matchplay....i wouldnt change it. The bowlers that participate need to realize that as they bowl they need to keep in mind that they need to come with it in matchplay to improve there chance of cashing. They run a great tournament and i'm sure they will look for any way to keep improving on what they do. Taking 32 bowlers for matchplay gives 32 bowlers the same chance to win the tournament.....keep that in mind.
I think its kind of stupid to expect to cash in a matchplay tournament and you didnt beat anyone. I guess there are two ways to look at everything. :)
The tournament director has the job to deliver what he promised on his flyer when promoting the tourney. To change that once the tournament start because of a few complaints would not be fair to the ones that came expecting for the tournament to be formatted the way it was advertised. They do not advertise a payout ratio but, if they had only paid the top 16 it still would have been a 1:5 ratio. (which is very good in my opinion)
So, if you came in 25th place, you should not have been expecting any money anyways.

Kennylaneshark said:
Yeah but you know as a tourney director that if you make the cut you should get paid. Kinda stupid not to cash just because you have the bottom 8 losing scores while the top 8 losing scores get something for bowling that first round of matches. Just doesn't makes sense to me. I and many others from that area have voiced the same issue to Kelly. He does run a good tournament.
Good points all around. But they do so good in that area because they are the only game in the area. If someone ran a tourney in their area where they cut to the cashiers you would see them make some changes are possibly lose entries. They have a monopoly on the tourney scene. Competition forces tourney directors to stay on their toes. I've seen where they would cut to 16 and only the top 10-12 get paid. If you are a guy who has traveled some distant, it sucks to have to bowl 2 more games, waste 45 minutes and still not get paid. How would you like to be high qualifier, bowl, catch a bad pair or bad break, lose the first round and not get paid. I've seen it happen many times. Now that really blows! All I'm saying is there are better ways to have a matchplay format and allow everyone to cash that makes the cut. It will send more bowlers home happy than just giving half the field a shot at making the cut. What's the use of having qualifying when you cut to the top 32 with a field of 65-80 bowlers. Just start with the matchplay. Oh I know then the tournament director can't make that precious bracket money!!! All in all they do a good job, except for not cutting to the cashiers. Nuff said on my part. I've beat this horse to death,LOL!!!
Everyone has there opinions, it doesnt make you right or me wrong. I would still bowl the tournaments if it is close enough even if I dont like the format. The main reason I dont bowl in bowlers advantage is the qualifying format. I dont like having to drive 4 hours for 4 games then, make a cut that you may even not cash. If I'm not good enough to make the cashing ratio, I want to get on the road home.
I'm with you Alan. Come up and try my shark tour. We give you a 5 game qualifier. 1-4 cash and cut ratio. You make the cut then you get paid. We have one next weekend in Winston-Salem on Oct. 18th. We are also having one in Spartanburg S.C. on Nov. 15th. That would be alittle closer to you guys in the Atlanta area. We guarantee $1000 to win for $90 entry fee. We are using the Kegel challenge series patterns this season along with some other sport and challlenging patterns. I think you would like our tour. Go to to see our complete flyer. I think we have it on this site too. Later.
I'm actually bowling in Cary, Nc this weekend but wont beable to bowl sunday in your tournament. I think I will be able to bowl the Nov 15 one. I have league on sunday nights and if it wasnt position with us being in 2nd or 3 rd I will have to bowl. Just keep sending my the email. I will make a few.


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