Congratulations to Mr Jeff Johnson Sr. of Alabama for winning the RBT Douglasville Non-Champions Open Sunday, March 2, 2014!! He defeated Ralph Solan of Huntsville, AL 248-206 in the championship match to win the title, $1,200.00 and the coveted RBT trophy. Ralph takes home $600.00 for finishing runner-up...great bowling all day by both gentlemen.

The day started with 54 participants bowling 7 games of qualifying on a competitive 41ft pattern vying to see who would get their first RBT championship, and in the end Jeff Johnson Sr. emerged victorious.

Congrats to Andre' Mychals for winning the Storm ball giveaway, and all of our other prize winners!

The RBT would like to thank each and everyone that participated in anyway, your support is appreciated. Thanks to YBC Douglasville for great service and hospitality, also thanks to our sponsors STORM Bowling Products and Bowlers Express Pro Shops for your unwavering support of the RBT. We are extremely grateful of all the love and support of the bowling community in the southeastern region, you motivate us to keep pushing to bring you the best in tournament bowling.

Our next stop is March 23rd in Simpsonville, SC, the South Carolina Scratch Open...that event will also have a Seniors division. Mark your calendar, the RBT is coming to the Palmetto State.

Thank you!!!


Winner Jeff Johnson and Runner-Up Ralph Solan! 


Douglasville Non-Champions 2014 

54 Bowlers – 1:5 Cash

$100 Entry = $20 - Linage & Exp. + $80 - Prz. Fund = $4320


  1.               Jeff Johnson - $1200      
  2.               Ralph Solan - $600           
  3.               Connor Pickford - $350         
  4.               Kole Payne - $350           
  5.               Robert Atkins - $250
  6.               Steven Petric - $250
  7.               Damien Laird - $250
  8.               Daryl Howard - $250
  9.               Tyrone Stevens - $220
  10.         Michael Shipley - $210
  11.         Chris Baker - $200

Top Qualifier after 7 games - Robert Atkins – $75

Top Senior Out - Doug O'Bryant -  $140

Total Payout - $4345


Congrats Andre Mychals winner of the Storm Ball giveaway!!

Stats:  It took an 208 avg to make it to match play and a 206 avg to cash



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