Good morning everyone,

I would like to know what type of tournaments ( scratch- hdcp - singles - doubles - trio ) that the ladies would like to bowl in and how far are you willing to travel to bowl in it.

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I think asking what types of tournaments is the wrong question. I think it should be asked what can we do to make these tourney's better. For starters have more games in qualifing, ladies even men refuse to go to a tourney that they have to travel for a couple of hours to bowl a couple of games and wait to make a cut. Case in point the princess queens tourney only had 4 games. At almost 65 dollars to entry if you only bowl 4 games that is down to 16.25 a game for bowling. Factor in driving and gas and most people the following year will refuse to go.

Next is advertising, there are so many tournaments out there that no single website shows them all. Case in point look at, it is amazing that the website for bowling only lists four tourneys in GA yet I see advertised on this website, the website you gave above, and others that more tournaments are out there. To get higher payouts/participation you need people and two you need to have a reason to go to a tournament. If you don't put the tournament first in someone's mind that money they would have used for the entry fee will go somewhere else. I think if there was a single website strictly dedicated to tournaments througout the US then you would get better results.

Next in getting newer venues, I am sorry but the majority of tournaments are not in newer facilities call it what you want but people will not go to locations where there is a negative image. Bowlers are more likely to remeber bad tournaments or experiences then good ones. Factor in word of mouth from other bowlers and their experiences then you have an up hill battle. You have to get the bowlers curious about the location and not just the tournament. Most of the ladies who bowl have families or married and for them to go to tournaments it is treated like a mini vacation rather then actually bowling. You have to have things near by for people to do to drive participation. location, location, location

Finally, I will conclude is that bowlers will bowl if they feel like they have a chance. I am a firm believer that you make handicap tournaments 100% of 300. This makes it level for all bowlers scratch and handicap alike. This keeps the "sandbaggers" at home or entice them to come out. It also adds to the bottom line. So you have to do a few things to get better tournaments one, narrow how many are out there, two get the message out to bowlers in a centralized location, three make it worth the price for bowlers who are coming from distances greater then 30 mins away, and finally make the field level in handicap and scratch tournaments. By using this combination I am sure that you will get better results.
I've been in Columbus, GA, for almost four years, and I was in SC before that, and I've never heard of the Woman's Classic in Cleveland. I'd never heard of the TNBA until recently. I'm hoping this site will help me find out about more tournaments.
Good morning Brandon,

Have you every or thought about running a tournament? You seem to have great ideas and what the bowlers are wanting.

Brandon Jeep said:

I think asking what types of tournaments is the wrong question. I think it should be asked what can we do to make these tourney's better. For starters have more games in qualifing, ladies even men refuse to go to a tourney that they have to travel for a couple of hours to bowl a couple of games and wait to make a cut. Case in point the princess queens tourney only had 4 games. At almost 65 dollars to entry if you only bowl 4 games that is down to 16.25 a game for bowling. Factor in driving and gas and most people the following year will refuse to go.

Next is advertising, there are so many tournaments out there that no single website shows them all. Case in point look at, it is amazing that the website for bowling only lists four tourneys in GA yet I see advertised on this website, the website you gave above, and others that more tournaments are out there. To get higher payouts/participation you need people and two you need to have a reason to go to a tournament. If you don't put the tournament first in someone's mind that money they would have used for the entry fee will go somewhere else. I think if there was a single website strictly dedicated to tournaments througout the US then you would get better results.

Next in getting newer venues, I am sorry but the majority of tournaments are not in newer facilities call it what you want but people will not go to locations where there is a negative image. Bowlers are more likely to remeber bad tournaments or experiences then good ones. Factor in word of mouth from other bowlers and their experiences then you have an up hill battle. You have to get the bowlers curious about the location and not just the tournament. Most of the ladies who bowl have families or married and for them to go to tournaments it is treated like a mini vacation rather then actually bowling. You have to have things near by for people to do to drive participation. location, location, location

Finally, I will conclude is that bowlers will bowl if they feel like they have a chance. I am a firm believer that you make handicap tournaments 100% of 300. This makes it level for all bowlers scratch and handicap alike. This keeps the "sandbaggers" at home or entice them to come out. It also adds to the bottom line. So you have to do a few things to get better tournaments one, narrow how many are out there, two get the message out to bowlers in a centralized location, three make it worth the price for bowlers who are coming from distances greater then 30 mins away, and finally make the field level in handicap and scratch tournaments. By using this combination I am sure that you will get better results.
Good morning Kathy,

If you get a chance also take a look at this site: I am sure that you will find a lot of interesting tournaments there.

Kathy Jeep said:
I've been in Columbus, GA, for almost four years, and I was in SC before that, and I've never heard of the Woman's Classic in Cleveland. I'd never heard of the TNBA until recently. I'm hoping this site will help me find out about more tournaments.
Tournament Information

2009 Tournament Dates:

April 18th -19th, 2009: 5th Annual Ladies Scratch Classic
Holiday Bowl - 5530 Hixson Pike - Hixson TN 37343 - 423-843-2695
Flyer Entry Form Rules Trip

June 13th - 28th, 2009: 9th Annual Mixed Trio Tournament
For more information contact: Charlotte 423-645-0476
Flyer Entry Form Rules Trip

Final 2008 Standings

2007 Mixed Trio Results

Click here for Full Flyer Click here for Entry Form

Click here for Rules Click here for Hotel Info

2007 Doubles Results

2007 Ladies Scratch Results

Click here for Entry Form Click here for Rules Click here for Hotel Info

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Chattanooga Senate: P.O. Box 8783, Chattanooga TN 37421

Kathy Jeep said:
I've been in Columbus, GA, for almost four years, and I was in SC before that, and I've never heard of the Woman's Classic in Cleveland. I'd never heard of the TNBA until recently. I'm hoping this site will help me find out about more tournaments.
I can c all u ladies are new to the area, let me clue u in on alot of BS in the South. I have been bowling in Georgia for more then 8 years now, and the reason I have always seen why the womens tournements or anything scratch dont pop off to its potential is, Who's bowling, I don't want to bowl if this person is bowling, I can't compete against so an so.
For the last 5 years, we have been trying to get a womens scratch league together for a trio, and u know what, ever time once everybody either gets to the meeting or hear from word of mouth who's on who's team it folds. So for u ladies thats from the North thinking its the same here, u are in a rude awakening. But I can say it has gotten better, u can find women's scratch tournments between March and July really.
Good afternoon,

Have anyone ever thought about using the draft system vs. bringing in your own teams for your scratch league?

VCarlton said:
I can c all u ladies are new to the area, let me clue u in on alot of BS in the South. I have been bowling in Georgia for more then 8 years now, and the reason I have always seen why the womens tournements or anything scratch dont pop off to its potential is, Who's bowling, I don't want to bowl if this person is bowling, I can't compete against so an so.
For the last 5 years, we have been trying to get a womens scratch league together for a trio, and u know what, ever time once everybody either gets to the meeting or hear from word of mouth who's on who's team it folds. So for u ladies thats from the North thinking its the same here, u are in a rude awakening. But I can say it has gotten better, u can find women's scratch tournments between March and July really.
C thats not the point im making, GOOD IDEA, but its the excusses. Everybody will have some excuss of why that wouldnt work as well. For One u have to many clicks, to be real with u, everybody cant bowl with each other. I want say can't, but i know it wouldnt happen.
I agree there should be a website that people could go to that list all bowling tournaments. I have been looking at for a while. It lists more than any other site I have seen so far. I have a friend working on getting a ladies tourney here in South Carolina. It is in the beginning stages. I believe it will be a one day tourney. She is trying to come up with a date that would attract the most people. I know TNBA has a tourney in March...Chattanooga Senate in April. Any suggestions on when this tourney should take place?
If im not mistaking for a tournament to get posted to a website like the tournament has to be sent to the moderator for it to be posted on there. There are probably lots of tournaments going on. some people might not know how to advertise outside of their area. You get so many excusses because its much easier to say why something wont work than to work at trying to make something happen and work.
Daphne we (RealBowlers) are looking at doing another Ladies tourney in July. It looks like July 11th right now.
I tip my hat to the McNair bros, you guys put a tournament together it seems effortlessly. Yall are always looking to get something going. Job well done.

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$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
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Roto Grip 4 Game Sweeper $500 at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 15, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Scratch Singles Event  $500 1st Place Total score for 4 games wins! 1:5 Payout Ratio HOUSE SHOT $50 Entry FeeSee More
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$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
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