Good Morning my Rbt Family,

For the most of you already know but for the ones who dont this is Charles Jordan and I am confirming that my family and I will be relocating to Florida next Friday.I felt like this was a good time to say goodbye to my family in the bowling arena because Ive known alot of folks for years some closer than others I will miss you all alot

I want to thank a few people first My uncle Tony Haynes who gave me my first pair of bowling shoes and encouraged me to follow my dreams in bowling, Johnnie Da Driller Jackson who I owe alot to thank you for believe in me and giving me an opporntunity in the industry that I now represent Track and being there for my me personally to the Mcnair Boyz always believeing in me to Tesa dyson Vanina,,Quan Gblack my brother and Myron Daniels I Love Yall and to the rest of my fam in the bowling arena I LOVE YALL forever.

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Charles and Karma, The Atlanta bowling family wishes you the best of luck and success in your future endeavors. You and Karma are a lovely couple that represented the strong black family with class and dignity. I hope doors open up for you everywhere you go and there is plenty good tournaments around florida which you should do well in. Best of luck from Pat and I.
Hey Charles & Karma...

We send our blessings with you as you travel to your new location. Hope everything goes well in Florida. I just saw you two yesterday... wish I could have given you a personal farewell... God Bless you and your family!

The Geters
Great blessing ahead for you and your family! Be safe in your travels!
Well, I don't like saying goodbye, so I won't. LOL. However as many have stated I have mixed emotions about this move. I'm so proud of Karma's accomplishments and her determination to take her career to the next level. But I wish it wasn't at the expensive of you guys relocating. But life has many turns and I look forward to the day when we will all be together again. As the boys grow and mature so will you my son. So welcome this as an opportunity to get closer to God, your lovely and devoted wife and your wonderful boys. Treasure the memories you have here and make bigger and better ones on your next stop in life... Love you guys 4life...

Uncle Tony
Charles, I do wish you and yours the best in Florida. And I do hope that God continues to bless you to be prosperous in your business and personal endeavors. You will be greatly missed but not forgotten!

1 Love, -Nisa
Hey baby brother- I guess I don't log onto realbowlers enough. I am sorry for the delay. It has been a pleasure being able to be apart of your life as well as my sister Karma's life. May God continue to bless you wherever life may take you. The bowling will always be the same because once a striker always a striker!! Love yall and continue to take good care of my beautiful nephews:)
@ Tesa, I need you to work on that "don't log onto realbowlers enough" :)

Tesa Dyson said:
Hey baby brother- I guess I don't log onto realbowlers enough. I am sorry for the delay. It has been a pleasure being able to be apart of your life as well as my sister Karma's life. May God continue to bless you wherever life may take you. The bowling will always be the same because once a striker always a striker!! Love yall and continue to take good care of my beautiful nephews:)

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