My thoughts on the 109th U.S. Open (golf) at Beth Page Black

I love bowling true enough but theres something about golf that really gets my competitive fires burning. I get a great amount of joy from playing the sport, very relaxing and so very difficult to conquer and that is why i have such an appreciation for the top tournaments in the sport, especially ones like the U.S. Open. The top players in the world trying to navigate and conquer a course thats set up to penalize the slightest of mistakes. This weekend i was glued to the TV, wondering who would win it all and in the end Greenville, SC native Lucas Glover was the last man standing. He overtook tournament leader Ricky Barnes, held off crowd favorite Phil Mickelson, and overall golf favorite Tiger Woods. Phil finally winning would have been a good story considering what he's facing in his family with his wife and he had his chances, he just couldnt get it done. Tiger did too, he starts to slow and tries to turn it on when he's too far back. My hats off and congrats goes to Glover because he did what he had to do when he had to do it, he played solid the whole weekend. Great tournament......i'm looking forward to the day when bowling Championships have the same intrigue and storylines. Oh yeah....i was also very impressed with the play and resolve of one of my former favorite players, Mr. David Duval. He's overcome so much in his career and it was refreshing to see him put it all together in one of the toughest events in the world. Overall this was a great U.S. Open, great crowd, horrible weather, and several improbable leaders.....the makings of one of the best golf events in years. These are just my thoughts.....if you love golf like i do share yours.

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I watched every minute of the telecast until today.....I love watching the Majors. I really thought this was going to be the week Tiger jumped back in and became the dominant player he was back in the early 2000's. He hit the ball SOOO well at Memorial and Bethpage is a pure ball striker's track.

I was so glad to see David Duval competing again...he's a great guy and the fact that he has come back from the pit of despair in sport is such a great story overall.

On a side note....I have to play the Black Course one day....from the back tees. That course is the best track in the United States, period. Tee to green it is very frills...just pure shotmaking. It makes you play every shot with every club in your bag.
Man o man why do bowlers like golf so much!!! I too love the major because it seems to be so much more pressure and good putts reward you and bad putts kill you!!!! I was pulling for Duval after I saw it was too big a heel for Tiger!!!
The funny thing is that you see how good Tiger and Phil are. Even when they struggle, they still get top 5 and top 10's. Its amazing.
Yes Randy, i thought this would be a statement event for Tiger he's been play good as of late, just not great. His putting is a little off almost as if he's rusty.....he still is amazing to watch. His ability to rebound from bad shots is captivating.....i know he influences us all when we are playing and get in trouble to hack one from behind umpteen trees to the green instead of punching it out and laying up in the fairway.:) And you are right Bethpage is a amazing long and unforgiving. If you get a chance to play it you have to share with everyone your experience and of course your score. Akil i was pulling for Duval as well, back in his heyday when he was THA MAN (Mr. Nike) with Tiger, he was actually my second favorite golfer.(behind Tiger of course) He's someone i have very high regard for as a golfer and a person.....he's been to the top of the sport and bottom and is still as focused and determined as ever to do his absolute best when he plays. Most guys in his shoes would have probably retired or rode of into the sunset, but he's still at it and for that he will always be my sentimental favorite whenever he plays. And yes Martin, Tiger and Phil are really that good, like you said when they struggle they are still better than 99% of the field. Phil doing those amazing wedge shots around the green sometimes look like he do them for pure entertainment. Good luck to you guys when you play......hit em straight!!!
Speaking of golf, when is the RB golf outing? I'm getting my game together for you'll.

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