Congratulations to Isom Hawes of Atlanta, Ga for winning the 3rd Annual RBT Augusta Scratch Open, Sunday, February 24th! He defeated Kevin Doler 279-224 in the championship match to take home the title, $1000.00, and the coveted RBT trophy. Kevin wins $500.00 for finishing runner-up, he was also top qualifier for the day earning an additional $60.00. Great bowling by both athletes!! 

The day started with 37 bowlers competing to see who would be crowned victorious in this annual affair, but in the end Isom stands alone. 

The RBT thank each participant, spectator, and supporter for helping make this a successful event. Thanks to AMF Masters, STORM Bowling Products, Bowlers Express Pro Shop and the RBT staff for making this tournament happen. A special shout out to the "Augusta Crew", Charles 'datdude' WithersDonovon Silver-Surfer KellyRobert Rob Base Holmes and David Circle for all your support and being BIG supporters of the RBT...we appreciate you!! 

Augusta Scratch Open 2014 - Sunday, February 24
Top 8 – Ratio 1:5 37 Bowlers
$100 = $80 Prize Fund + $20 Linage & Exp = $2960 Prize Fund
1. Isom Hawes III - $1000
2. Kevin Doler, Columbus, GA - $500
3. Joe Beck, Montgomery, AL - $350
4. Robert Layman, Rock Hill, SC - $350
5. Jack Ness, Gastonia, NC - $200
6. Chris Velez, Columbus, GA - $200
7. Donovon Kelley, Augusta, GA - $200
8. Steven Nunn, Augusta, GA - $200

Kevin Doler - Top Qualifier after 7 - $60

Total Payout - $3060 +$100 added by RBT

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