RealTalk #8 What statements do you NOT want to hear at the bowling alley?

I know its been a while...


This topic can have a broad range of responses.  I was thinking last night after bowling, there are certain statements that you just do not want to hear while you are bowling or at the bowling alley.


I don't want to dictate the way this post goes so I am just going to give a couple of examples to let everyone get the gist of what I am saying.  Then I want to hear from you.


Ex. 1:

After you have shot your tail off on pace for a 760 series because of some things you have been practicing and someone says "they got the shot wide open tonight!"


Ex 2:

After months of planning a tournament you get to the center the day of and the manager tells you "we have to put a birthday party on the lanes next to your tournament" :)


Ex. 3:

You show up to practice and they tell you "we don't have any lanes available"


These are statements you just don't want to hear.  Share with us some of yours, don't be shy I am just touching the surface with mine. This is RealTalk...

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When you're stroking the ball good, and someone says, " this shot fits your style, It's made for you", What the hell?
I hate when a 200+ bowler shoots a 135 and says "This house is a hard house or it's messed up." Or "This house favors left hand or left side bowling bowlers (Me)." :-)
when you go to the pro shop to get some maintenance done ,and they say "man i got like 10 balls in front of you so it'll be a few days".
you shoot under avg. for whatever reason there is always one person calling you a sandbagger.
That is so right on.

Chris LaCross said:
you shoot under avg. for whatever reason there is always one person calling you a sandbagger.
When 200+ bowlers complain in handicap leauges that it is not far when they bowl below their avg.
we have i guy that screams out "who you going to call" when he throws a strike this is very annoying

and another one is when someone throws a strike they say it wasn't a good ball you want to choke them because you just left a ten't any strike a good ball
Actually no. Just because 10 pins fall doesnt mean you threw it good. Real bowlers know the difference. We love the outcome but that doesnt mean we like how it got there.

I cant stand it when I throw acouple bad ones in a row and somebody says you should stop doing that, I just look at em and think to myself i aint tryin to do it.

Robert Riedy said:
we have i guy that screams out "who you going to call" when he throws a strike this is very annoying

and another one is when someone throws a strike they say it wasn't a good ball you want to choke them because you just left a ten't any strike a good ball
Man they sand is heavy in here today!!! lol
Personally, I dont bowl in "handicap" leagues if I have a choice, like the guys who just come to drink, not to bowl, but try and bowl at the same time. To me, those leagues are no fun. I think that if you take bowling seriously, stick with the better leagues, with more to bowl for, and you can kinda avoid the drunk bowler who doesnt care about courtesy and is normally a little louder and more obnoxious than the regular joe. Now as for the sayings and/or phrases, i got a couple:

1) Bowler A shoots a good/great game (268, 278 or better), and someone comes up to congratulate him/her, and "A" just says something to the effect of "Well, that's just an average game for me....".............FIRST OFF, if that game was just average, why dont i see you on the PBA every week, since those guys average about 260 on a house shot????, and SECOND off.......your average here on the standings sheet says 226........didnt know 278 was equal to 226!........just completely stupid

2) Bowler B is a 220+ bowler, and is having a rough night, not throwing it terrible, just pulling or pushing it a couple boards, hitting the pocket light or heavy, never a solid shot..........meanwhile YOU are just nuttin' it, never missing the hole, and when you miss slightly, the rack carries for them. Bowler B gets so aggravated, that they just say something smart-ass when you carry that one shot that wasnt perfect......something like "Must be nice to carry like that", or "Must be nice to be that lucky.."..................if i'm in that situation, i'm doing one of two things: ONE: I'm just saying "yep." and moving on, or TWO: depending on my mood, try to needle the guy...."i'm just actually hitting my mark" or something like that.

Some people just need to calm down, understand that bowling is just a game/sport, and that's it's not life and death, depending on your results. If you think you're the best there is, step up to a tournament, like a RBT event (shameless plug), and show me something. And as soon as you do show up to a scratch tournament and average 180 over 6 games, come talk to me.....see ya guys and gals. :-)
Anything that involves the word "should" other than "I should have thrown a better shot"
When your a 2 teen player and you shoot 760, the 220 player says oh you carried the 10 pin

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