Wow, what a great tournament and what a field of bowlers!  First of all thanks to all of the bowlers from across the region that came out and made the tournament a success. There were PBA pros, Top Seniors, Top Females and some of the best local talent in the city present in the field of 77 bowlers.

Thanks to Storm Bowling (Ralph Solan), Bowlers Express (Johnnie Jackson) and Brunswick Zone Marietta for their contributions. Also, thanks to Jay Brewer and Stability Socks for giving away a bundle of their socks through out the tournament.

As advertised, this was our annual "House Shot" tournament of the RBT season and of course the scores were high but, what can we expect when the best bowlers in the South are present.  We believe everyone had a great time and we put a lot into making this a great event for the bowling community. 

Congrats to Greg Moneymaker Black for his first RBT singles title.  Greg has been a great supporter of the RBT from day one in 2004, he has won a RBT Doubles event and numerous second places but April 15th, 2012 was his day to take it all by himself.  And he did so in true Black Jr. fashion, by gracing the crowd of spectators with one of his (100+) 300 games in the Semi-Final match against Michael Williams II (who was also the Top Qualifier for the day).  The championship did not come any easier as he had to face 7x RBT title holder Jake Washington in the final match.  With his first place prize Greg also won an entry to the MegaBuck Event PROPRIETORS CUP this summer.  Congrats Greg for a great win!!

Also, congrats to all of the other 20+ people that cashed today with all of the added incentives. Congrats to everyone that shot 300 games today! We paid way over the prize fund and gave away over $300 in prize giveaways (keychains, gift cards, bowling ball) today..not including the $1100 entry to the Proprietors Cup thanks to Billy Eysoldt.  Congrats to David Shinn of Augusta, GA for winning the Track 508A bowling ball!

A big thank you from the RBT Staff and we hope to see you on May 20th at our Snellville Scratch Open.

Also, everyone looked great with all the awesome bowling shirts through out the tournament, we have some pics of some that we have posted!

P.S.  If you have not RSVP for the 18th Eric DeFreitas in August..spots are filling up fast!! (no exaggeration) RSVP today!!!

Atlanta Spring Scratch 2012

77 Bowlers – 1:4.5 Cash - $80 Entry = $17 - Linage & Exp. + $63 - Prz. Fund = $4851

  1.                   Greg Black Jr. $1000 + Proprietors Cup Entry ($1100 value)
  2.                   Jake Washington - $500              
  3.                   Michael Williams II - $380         
  4.                   Tony Churchey - $380           
  5.                   Jason Sterner  $280
  6.                   Bruce Heim  $280
  7.                   Damien Laird - $280
  8.                   Gary Morgan - $280
  9.                   Tarik McCrary - $180
  10.             Bob Cook - $180
  11.             Shane Sullivan - $180
  12.             Andy Horodecki - $180
  13.             Akil Razzak - $150
  14.             David Circle - $140
  15.             Jeff Shaw - $130
  16.             David Shinn - $120
  17.            Tony Campagna - $100
  18. Alexandria McIntyre - High Female Out - $100
  19. Larry Cook - High Senior Out - $100


Top Qualifier – Michael Williams - $50  


300 Games - $25 each – Charles Withers II, Ralph Solan, Jeff Shaw, Andy Horodecki, Mike Williams II = $125

Total Payout - $4851 + $264 added = $5,115

Views: 368

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Congrats Greg, you are  truly amazing.

Great bowling Greg--Congrats to all

Enjoyed it. wished I coulda did a little better but enjoyed it :)

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