Just wanted to say good bowling to everyone today and congrats to Vandy for winning. Great turn out, over 60 bowlers. I told you Tim and Theo i was gonna make sure we kept the title in the state. I had to bring the goons out, sorry:-)

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Good turnout today, glad I dragged myself out of the house to bowl. Smitty, you're a hack and I wish I could hook it as much as you, I may have made more money :) Good bowling also!!
Yeah right, Not everybody can rev it like me but you can always try i suppose:-) Maybe if you slow it down alittle yo could get your ball to hook.
I just want everyone to know i beat matt burden this stop. I didnt think it was possible.
Yeah especially since his first game was a 300. I was like uh oh.

Nick Smith said:
I just want everyone to know i beat matt burden this stop. I didnt think it was possible.
he says he beat me because by his count he shot 300 and i shot 299. I told him my pay envelope had a lower number on it than his did.
Hey guys, just want to thank everyone for helping us get the word out about the tournament. It was a great turnout just as we expected, Nick, Matt, Gil, Carl and anybody else in SC that had a hand in getting bowlers out to participate, thanks alot. We always enjoy SC, its actually where my parents are from. Nick you were right with your prediction of keeping the title in state, Vanderhoef bowled unbelieveable to 2-peat. Once again thanks for the support.
No problem Tim. I have no problem supporting yall and the realbowlers tournaments. Again you guys do a great job with running the tournament. I will tell you alot of the people just there watching were very inpressed with you guys and how yall handled everything. i will say i was expecting a bigger draw all together. I guessed 65 bowlers but really thought closer to 75 would bowl.
First one I been to. Enjoyed it all except my bowling. Wish there were more close to the columbia area like this one. One day event is a lot cheaper than a regional. Thanks for hosting a great tournament.
As always I had a blast, fun venue and a great turnout by the SC crowd. Look forward to seeing everyone again in April. Congrats to Vandy on the win....again. I can't say after seeing his ball reaction in the round of 8 I wasn't surprised. Round of 8 had some great players in it....but his look was going to be tough to beat.
Ricky if you are interested in bowling more tournaments like Real Bowlers then check out Lanesharks Bowlers Tour. Next stop is in Forest City, N.C. just up the road from Greenville. We will be guaranteeing $800 to win with a 1-4 cut and cash ratio. We have been averaging around 40 entries and are continuing to grow. We also have our end of the season tourney in Hickory N.C. on April 19th. First will pay $1500 to win that event. Check us out on Charlestonbowling.com or myspace.com/laneshark. Hope you can make it to these events. Later.
The Laneshark

ricky said:
First one I been to. Enjoyed it all except my bowling. Wish there were more close to the columbia area like this one. One day event is a lot cheaper than a regional. Thanks for hosting a great tournament.
Tim and Theo, just want to say thanks to you all for bringing a "GREAT SCRATCH TOURNAMENT" to the upstate once again!! I really hate that I was not able to make it to the event. Unfortunately, they guy who was going to work for me quit the week before and we are understaffed and I was kind of stuck. Also, thanks to upstate bowlers for coming out and supporting this tournament. Hopefully we made it where you will be able to come back again next year. Look forward to seeing you guys soon.

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