Just something fun to talk about. I been hearing people say they are in the top 5 best bowlers in the state of georgia. Each person has their own opinions and everyone should feel like they are the best. So, I decided to ask you who do you think the top 10 bowlers of Georgia are male or female?

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Just a question. I don't know all the bowlers in Georgia so i can't answer, but i do know Mr Ken taylor and Roger Butler and no one has mentioned them or Flash.
jonah, ken taylor has been mentioned, and the only person i know that goes by flash is sterner and everyone has put him in their top 5
Nick Smith said:
jonah, ken taylor has been mentioned, and the only person i know that goes by flash is sterner and everyone has put him in their top 5

I believe he is talking about Mr. Flash Mitchell. I actually bowled with him this past weekend in a tournament. Very good older bowler. I love bowling with the old heads, because they always have good advice to give and great stories.
My mistake like i said the only flash i knew of is Sterner, again my bad. Its funny watching the older bowlers. you can just see them thinking "man how things have changed." Watching them try and keep up with the changes to the game just makes me think how are we gonna handle the changes when we are their age and everything.
Jonah, maybe you want to start a discussion called "Who are the top 10 bowlers in GA over 50" I think that would be interesting. Nothing against the names you have mentioned.
Btw, where is your list? Just list the ones that you feel, I don't think anyone knows all of the bowlers in GA.

jonah white said:
Just a question. I don't know all the bowlers in Georgia so i can't answer, but i do know Mr Ken taylor and Roger Butler and no one has mentioned them or Flash.
These are tough topics to answer because the talent pool just in Atlanta is SOOOOOO deep. I'll make a stab at it and hopefully not leave anyone out or offend anyone :)

1) Brian Voss
2) Jason Sterner
3) Stoney Baker
4) Greg Black
5) Joe Firpo (I know he only bowls 3 games a week....still think he could play if he chose to)
6) Isom Hawes
7) Jake Washington
8) Charles Jordan
9) Jeff Shaw
10) Jack Taylor

This city is so deep in talent there are many bowlers we may not see very often. I think some names that off the top of my head could very well be on the list are Alan Nichols, Stan Garner, BJ Wynn, Cliff Barnes, Tom Tornow, Kevin Jamison, Ken Taylor, Derrick Reynolds, Chad Pierce....and the list goes on.
I hear Johnnie "The Driller" Jackson has a list that he's going to put on here any minute now. :)
A topic like this is very opinionated,based off many variables,but I'll take a stab at it not to offend anyone who feels they should be on this list or not. This is a list for the State of Georgia and not just the greater Atlanta Area!

1) Brian Voss
2) Stoney Baker
3) Jason Sterner
4) Chris Collins
5) Greg Black Jr.
6) Isom Hawes
7) Tom Tornow
8) Ken Taylor Sr.
9) BJ Wynn
10) Roger Butler

This list is a list of bowlers who put in a career body of work, and still perform on a daily basis no matter if its in league or in tournament and match play situations across the U.S. Of course with a list like this you have to have honorable mention. Stan Garner, Dannial Cohen, Charles Jordan, Chad Pierce, Alan Nichols, Joe German, Tony Harvey, Joe Firpo, Kevein Jamison,Derrick Reynolds, Jeff Shaw, Randy Russell, Freddie "Flash" Micthell, Mike Waters, Gary Morgan, Cliff Barnes, Gary Pryor, Chris Williams, Mike Sargent, Steven Vance, John Qualtrough, Bernie Mainland, Keith Neese, Ron Evans, Demon Green, Marc Davis, Ken Burwell II, and last but not least,( the most underated,but always performs ) Brian Weeks.

The future looks bright with " Jake Washington" at the top of the list. With many other youth bowlers very close behind. Truck, Corey, Torrey, Jovan, Demetrius, continue to learn and remember take each game one frame at a time.
Please forgive me,but there are two other names that need to be on my list of hornorable mention and those two bowlers happen to be brothers. David and Brian Checkle. This is my list according to years of watching and competing with guys who can play. Not just bowlers who've been hot for the past two years or so. We should make a list for the ladies,because I think some of them can compete with just about any bowlers on this list.
Great list Johnnie and thorough....I agree with any names you have that I left out. I forgot the Chris Collins lives in Georgia now, keep thinking he's still living in NC.
He lives in the lower part of the state doesnt he?
Quatrelle yall dont forget that name

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