Alright Ladies if you plan on bowling or know another Lady that plans on bowling shoot me a message. So far by pre-paid and a few verbal commitments I have: (in no particular order)

1. Tesa Dyson
2. Jackie Polk
3. Tameka Jackson
4. Janet Breaman
5. Megan Kimbler
6. Paulette Sanders
7. Adorna Heyward
8. Vicki Cain
9. Vanina Carlton
10. Tracie Ingram
11. Jennifer Jones
12. Rebecca Weathers
13. Thelma Haywood
14. Daphne Smith
15. Margaret Smith
16. Courtney Lumpkin
17. Quantrelle Green
18. Barbara Turner
19. Wanda Cotton
20. LaTonya Walker
21. Allison Wilkerson
22. Dawn Rohde
23. Deborah Parker
24. Cynthia Patton
25. Tara Martin
26. Karma Jordan
27. Tinickia Fleming(bowled last year)
28. Tonya Joseph
29. Candy Boatwright
30. Sandra Mincy
31. Theresa Woods
32. Natasha Mason
33. Barbie Nelson

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Theo, these ladies are not on your list and have stated at some point or another that they would possibly be attending.
1.Alison Wilkerson
2.Dawn Rohde
3.Deborah Parker
4.Cynthia Patton
5.Tara Martin
6.Karma Jordan
7.Tinickia Fleming(bowled last year)
8.Tonya Joseph (bowled last year)
9.Candy Boatwright
10.Sandra Mincy
There are a few more names i could add that i'm almost sure will be there, but i havent talked to these ladies lately.
I've updated the list.

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