1. This is a Scratch Mixed Doubles Tournament and will run in the strict accordance with the rules and by laws of the USBC. The Tournament Director reserves the right to settle all disputes not covered by USBC rules. The Tournament Director reserves the right to refuse any entry for any reason. Other than stated Tournament Rules, USBC Rules and Regulations will be obeyed.
2. This tournament shall be open to eligible USBC members, 18 years of age and older. PBA/PWBA members will not be permitted to bowl this tournament. However members who have not carry a card for the past (2) years are eligible to bowl.
3. DRESS CODE: All participants are required to wear shirts with their Last Name on the back. Appropriate Jeans are allowed. Not: Sweatshirts, jogging suits, cut off shorts, tank tops, shirts without sleeves are Not allowed. There will be a $10.00 fine for Each Squad you bowl not complying with this rule. Rules will be enforced, NO EXCEPTIONS.
4. The field will be limited to the first 96 (couples). There will be no exceptions. If less than 96 (couples’) bowlers’ prize fund will be reduced by the number of entries.
5. In the event any bowler fails to report on time, the committee reserves the right to replace the bowler with another to complete the field, only at the start of the Tournament.
6. Tournament will start promptly at indicated time. Bowlers are asked to report to tournament office 30 minutes prior to start time in order to confirm attendance and to pick up assigned lanes.
7. Automatic scoring will be used and scores will be transferred to the official tournament recap sheets before the scores are erased. It is the responsibility of each bowler to ensure that his/her scores have been accurately recorded on the official tournament recap sheets. Reporting scoring errors to the tournament director as soon as possible.
8. Each player is required to sign his/her recap sheet upon completion of the four games set. Each recap sheet must be signed by another bowler from that pair of lanes.
9. Failure to record a game on the recap sheet will result in the player-receiving zero for that game. Failure to turn in the recap sheet will result in the player receiving zero points for the tournament.
10. In the event of ties in the step ladder finals, a ninth and tenth frame roll off will be used to determine who moves on. This roll off will be bowled on a pair of lanes that neither bowler has used. Both players will bowl the ninth frame on the left lane before moving to the tenth frame on the right lane. A coin flip will be used to determine the order of bowling. Total pins will determine the winner.
11. Bowlers shall observe one lane courtesy. In case of a breakdown bowlers will move to the next part available and receive one(1)shot on each lane. Once Tournament have started there will be (No Refund).
12. Any bowler using Vulgar language, displaying disruptive behavior, unsportsmanlike conduct or abusing bowling center equipment or not following the tournament rules will be disqualified from the tournament.
Make Checks/Money Orders Payable & Mail to:
P & T New Image
P.O. Box 1178
Dolton, IL 60419

For additional information: See William (Smooth) Prowell - 312-446-9331 or Keith (Mr. Bomb) Talley - 773-418-5289

1 Name: SSN:Last Four # DOB:
Address: Telephone:
City, State, Zip: E-Mail:
Paid by: Collected by: Lane Assignment:

2 Name: SSN:Last Four # DOB:
Address: Telephone:
City, State, Zip: E-Mail:
Paid by: Collected by: Lane Assignment:

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