Michelle Daniels
  • Female
  • Jonesboro, GA
  • United States
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  • Antonio Mahone
  • barry
  • Theo McNair

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am a full time employee for the past 22 years for the Postal Service in Management. I have been married to Myron Daniels for the past 16 years and many more to come. I also enjoy the family time that we have together with the family. I love comedy shows, playing cards with friends, and old school parties. During this journey of bowling I have met a lot of nice people along the way. I have also traveled to bowling tournaments with teams and really enjoyed the times that we spent out of town. My favorite trip is Ft. Walton Beach. Now when I go it's only for the beach and not the lanes.
I also enjoy helping people in any way that I can and I have a pssion for it. When I realized that my passion was strong in this area I started a buisness that allows me to reach people that needed my services. I have a business that I work very part-time in the Health Care Industry. The company that I am with is Ameriplan USA. Please visit the website:
Allow me to show you how to earn about $1000 part-time in the next couple of weeks! If this is something that interest you please call me @ 678-463-3179.
How long have you been bowling?
I have bowled for fun for about 18 years.
I enjoy bowling, skating and net-working with other people. I really enjoy shopping until the stores close. I also like coordinating all types of functions. Traveling is very high on my list. My goal is to plan a trip somewhere every month.
Corey-21, Cierra-13, Antoine-20 & Tinisha-27
My parents are my heroes Jimmy & Christine Pearson.

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 5:37pm on March 27, 2009, Theo McNair said…
Happy Birthday!
At 2:39pm on March 11, 2009, barry said…
what's up chelle. Ok, i don't check on my realbowler page often. I see you emailed me a while ago. I will check out the website and let you know. you could have just hit me upside the head on thursday
At 1:02pm on January 12, 2009, barry said…
what up teammate, I need to get you to help network and grow my business again
At 5:41pm on June 24, 2008, TIM MCNAIR said…
Hi Michelle and welcome to the site. So what do you think? We are still putting some things together to make the site even better. You can also post that event you was telling me about, under the events section. I put the skates in the car so i want have no excuses.....Talk to you later. I told Teddy about us meeting soon and he said cool. Holla!!

Latest Activity

David M Barber commented on Theo McNair's group Seniors (better with age)
"Anybody know when 2016 schedule is coming out..from NC & alittle far to travel, looking for senior tours, so may have to travel more thanks"
Jan 3, 2016
Glen Cogni is now a member of RealBowlers
Dec 11, 2015
Paul Summons posted photos
Dec 11, 2015
Gerard Almarales updated their profile
Nov 20, 2015
Paul Summons updated their profile
Aug 26, 2015
Paul Summons commented on Valerie Jeffries's photo


"Good afternoon Ms.Valerie hope alls well are you on FB? Look me up " Paul Skippy Summons ' if not shoot me an email skipbowl@yahoo.com"
Aug 25, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Thanks Paul. I had a great experience!!"
Aug 17, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Paul Summons
"Hi Paul !"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Summons left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Nice meeting you this weekend Ms.Valerie and great bowling"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Michael Matye is attending Theo McNair's event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 14, 2015
James Cooper Jr. is attending Theo McNair's event

Roto Grip 4 Game Sweeper $500 at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 15, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Scratch Singles Event  $500 1st Place Total score for 4 games wins! 1:5 Payout Ratio HOUSE SHOT $50 Entry FeeSee More
Aug 14, 2015
Theo McNair updated an event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 13, 2015

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