Tinickia Fleming
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  • Kedrick Murphy
  • Darin Wright
  • George Gohagan III
  • Frances Angell
  • Jamaal Oliver
  • Melvin
  • Robby Smith
  • Akil Razzak
  • Nick Smith
  • Daphne Smith
  • Greg Black Jr
  • Theo McNair

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Profile Information

About Me:
City and State:
greenville sc
How long have you been bowling?
my hobbies are softball and playing darts.
no kids
my dad.
How many 300's and 800's have you bowled? (If none what's your highest)
7 300 and 836 is my highest

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Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 12:05pm on February 9, 2011, Derryck T. Vanish said…
Good day young lady and how are you doing.  My name is Derryck T. Vanish I am the Vice President of the low country senate of the TNBA.  The reason why I am leaving you a message is because I am the tournament director of the Kings and Queens tournament to held on may 21st in North Charleston SC.  This is unlike any Kings and Queens tournament done before because its basically two shifts: First shift all women second shift all men.  I will be laying out a sport shot with A LEAST $1000.00 GUARENTEED TO THE WINNER OF EACH SHIFT, no matter how many entries the tournament gets.  I know of your previous accomplishments because of this website, also being that you live in greenville an do tournaments in altanta I dont think you mind the travel on a tournament that is worth your while.  If you are interseted and I hope you are please feel free to contact me at (843) 860 7746 or just email at dtv1129@msn.com so that I may give you the details.  Thank you for your time.
At 10:34pm on December 5, 2010, Theo McNair said…
Congrats on your back to back S4TL Championship!!

At 10:31am on December 10, 2009, Derryck T. Vanish said…
Congrads on your win. Being a female bowler how can shoot is really rare. We have about five different woman in the charleston south carolina area (where I live that can shoot). There are times that we try to get together and do different touraments. We will be going to the tnba in savhanna in Jan. Maybe we can meet up. Nice bowling and I wish you many more.
At 6:45pm on December 9, 2009, George Gohagan III said…
do the right thing :)
At 10:11pm on December 7, 2009, TIM MCNAIR said…
Good job on your winning....very impressive.
At 9:53am on December 7, 2009, Shenita Baldwin said…
Great job Ms. Fleming. I competed in this tournament for the first time. Unfortunately I averaged my average 187.6 out of 6 games and we both know that you have to shine in tournaments. I will bowl it again. It was a good format and decent shot.

What part of SC are you from? I was born in Greenwood, SC and most of my family is still there. You should come to Raleigh, NC to compete in some of our tournaments as well. Take care and keep on striking.
At 11:01pm on December 6, 2009, Theo McNair said…
Congrats on your win yesterday!!
At 11:46pm on June 29, 2009, Theo McNair said…
Hey Tinickia,
I am prying to see if you are coming to bowl on July 11th. Let me know. How are you doing?
At 2:01am on March 16, 2009, Theo McNair said…
Hey, are you ready for next week? ttyl
At 8:50pm on January 28, 2009, TIM MCNAIR said…
Hi Ms. Fleming, saw you online and decided to stop by your page and show you some luv. Hope all is well.......i know you are handling your business on those lanes, because thats what you do!!! :) Talk to you later.

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David M Barber commented on Theo McNair's group Seniors (better with age)
"Anybody know when 2016 schedule is coming out..from NC & alittle far to travel, looking for senior tours, so may have to travel more thanks"
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Aug 26, 2015
Paul Summons commented on Valerie Jeffries's photo


"Good afternoon Ms.Valerie hope alls well are you on FB? Look me up " Paul Skippy Summons ' if not shoot me an email skipbowl@yahoo.com"
Aug 25, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Thanks Paul. I had a great experience!!"
Aug 17, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Paul Summons
"Hi Paul !"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Summons left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Nice meeting you this weekend Ms.Valerie and great bowling"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Michael Matye is attending Theo McNair's event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 14, 2015
James Cooper Jr. is attending Theo McNair's event

Roto Grip 4 Game Sweeper $500 at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 15, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Scratch Singles Event  $500 1st Place Total score for 4 games wins! 1:5 Payout Ratio HOUSE SHOT $50 Entry FeeSee More
Aug 14, 2015
Theo McNair updated an event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 13, 2015

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