jake washington
  • 35, Male
  • Hiram, Ga
  • United States
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Profile Information

About Me:
I'm 21 years old. I love to bowl as much as possible and I'm looking to bowl in as many tournaments as possible. I work at AMF Marietta Lanes. I'm also attending West Georgia Technical College for marketing management.
City and State:
Hiram, Ga
How long have you been bowling?
10 years
My dad. he has worked extremely hard for years to take care of us and has, and still is, teaching me about life. I don't know where I would be without him
How many 300's and 800's have you bowled? (If none what's your highest)
14-300's, 10-800's
Current Bowling Average
Bowling Accomplishments: (tournament wins, league champions, etc...)
3-time NWGA youth bowler of the year, 3-time youth bowler of the year for the state, 2-time youth bowler of the year for TSR tournaments, roughly 40 tournaments won in youth bowling and multiple broken records in youth tournaments, 6 real bowlers tour titles(tied for most wins for RBT's)

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Comment Wall (40 comments)

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At 5:41pm on May 24, 2011, TIM MCNAIR said…
Congrats Jake of your 6th RBT title!!!
At 10:06am on January 17, 2010, TIM MCNAIR said…
Congrats Jake...two in row..wow!!
At 9:48am on January 17, 2010, Theo McNair said…
Congratulations on your win. This was a great way to cap off a birthday week :)
At 12:38am on January 13, 2010, Theo McNair said…
Happy Birthday RBT Champion!! Hope you had a blessed day!
At 6:04pm on October 1, 2009, Dominique Hodo said…
Good shooting last Saturday
At 2:42pm on August 12, 2009, Cleo Hunter said…
Yes. I'll see you there.
At 4:19pm on August 11, 2009, Cleo Hunter said…
What's up Jake? Do you plan on bowling the WC?
At 9:37pm on July 11, 2009, Nick Smith said…
Hey i forgot to mention you need to call Saundra as soon as you can to make sure you can get a spot and make sure you confirm that juniors can bowl.
At 8:09pm on July 11, 2009, Nick Smith said…
Hey Jake here is the info for that tournament I told you about. Its the W.C. Cleveland, August 15th-16th. 2 squads A is early morning then late afternoon, and B is late morning and early afternoon. You need to call a woman named Saundra Bowens 404-822-1984 to get entered. She can give more info about it, she is the director for the women and mens. If you have any questions for me call me at 864-918-2610.
At 12:08am on June 15, 2009, Theo McNair said…
Hey Jake, thanks for bringing that to my attention. I believe I corrected all of the ones that I left off. Thats what happen when you rush doing something. Thanks

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David M Barber commented on Theo McNair's group Seniors (better with age)
"Anybody know when 2016 schedule is coming out..from NC & alittle far to travel, looking for senior tours, so may have to travel more thanks"
Jan 3, 2016
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Aug 26, 2015
Paul Summons commented on Valerie Jeffries's photo


"Good afternoon Ms.Valerie hope alls well are you on FB? Look me up " Paul Skippy Summons ' if not shoot me an email skipbowl@yahoo.com"
Aug 25, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Thanks Paul. I had a great experience!!"
Aug 17, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Paul Summons
"Hi Paul !"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Summons left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Nice meeting you this weekend Ms.Valerie and great bowling"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Michael Matye is attending Theo McNair's event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 14, 2015
James Cooper Jr. is attending Theo McNair's event

Roto Grip 4 Game Sweeper $500 at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 15, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Scratch Singles Event  $500 1st Place Total score for 4 games wins! 1:5 Payout Ratio HOUSE SHOT $50 Entry FeeSee More
Aug 14, 2015
Theo McNair updated an event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 13, 2015

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