Every sport has a mini- pinnacle, a part of the sport that is elusive to many and reachable for a few. Golf has the hole in one, baseball the grandslam, football the kickoff return for a touchdown for the win as time expires, basketball the whole court lob at the buzzer to win the game..........you get my point. I believe in bowling the 300 game is the mini-pinnacle. Its that feat that not everyone can do, even on their best day of bowling. I know it is maybe easier to accomplish now compared to 15 years ago because of the changes in technology, none the less it is still quite an accomplishment. I know many of you REALBOWLERS out there have rolled tons of 300s.......some of you roll them in your sleep:) What i want to know is, how was your very first one? How old were you? Did you get that sweat bead down the middle of your back,, because you knew everyone in the bowling centers was watching you? Did you throw a brooklyn on any of your shots? Was it in league play or a tournament? Did you win any money? What ever the experience, lets hear it. It might help someone feel a little bit more comfortable the next time they are sitting on 9 in a row. SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE.

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Comment by Carl Breaman on December 22, 2008 at 2:39pm
My first 300 was in 1983 when I was living in Orlando. I used a Caramel White Dot. Everyone stopped bowling to watch the 10th frame. I bowled 5 300 games that year and there were only 7 in the entire association for that season.
Comment by Megan Kimbler on October 28, 2008 at 9:07am
My first 300 came on July 19th, 2005 at Cherry Bowl in Rockford, Illinois. It was a normal Tuesday night of the Tom Carter Sport Shot League (yes, a real sport shot!!!). I began the game with 4 strikes in a row. I had never had 4 in a row on sport shot before. The strikes continued, with a brooklyn in the 7th frame. By then, I was a complete mess of nerves. Tom Carter (one of the top pba seniors) couldn't even put 3 together and I now had the front 9. We were supposed to have 2 lane courtesy in this league, but when I got up to complete the 10th, some idiot to my right must of thought that he had the front 10 because he took sooooooooo long on the lane. I got the 11th and had 31 lanes down to watch me. The last lane being the moron to my left. I was sweating, shaking, hyperventilating and going cross-eyed when I threw the last shot. I was such a mess, that I didn't even pay attention to the shot. According to all around me, it was dead flush. I know Aramis Ramirez hit a homerun at the same time I threw the shot to win the Cubs game (large screen TVs on the lanes). I go lost in a crowd of high fives and tripped over my feet going up the stairs. I face planted into the carpet to break my big toe!! It was worth the broken bone to be one of 6 women in the whole United States to bowl a true Sport Shot 300!!!
Comment by VCarlton on July 24, 2008 at 11:32pm
My very first 300 was fresh out of jr. league at Monday nite league at Azeala lanes. I cant remember anything else about that one, but all the others are easier to remember. Most of the others were in tournments and the very best one of all, I was the first woman to shot one in Midtown.

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