I've been struggling lately with the fundamentals. One would think after 11 years of bowling, I'd be way beyond the 150-160's range in average. As I sat here at work this morning, it dawned on me...there are several things that keep me from reaching my goal of bowling my best during each and every game.

The first thing is focus. When I am on the approach, it is me, my ball, and my pins. Nothing else matters. Not what I want to eat, not what is going on behind me, not what happened during the day. I'm not supposed to be thinking up there...not even about what I'm about to do. It's about focusing on executing my shot.

Keeping my eyes on my target. Watching the ball roll through my mark. That is a big thing for me. To the point where I've worn a hat with the brim pulled down to keep me from looking at the pins.

PRACTICE...I'm only logging 2 days at the lanes. I've neglected to put in the time necessary to improve my game. During league is just not the time to do this.

My 3 points of focus...the mental game, to put it bluntly...are where I need to place my emphasis. The muscle memory and skill will come once I've managed to get it all together.

This is the point where I have to make a personal resolution to get out on the lanes and do what I love...now is the time to take what I feel and put it out on the lane, then make it happen.

Fortunately, I'm blessed to have some great people in my corner. My husband JC is always there to point me in the right direction. I've tried to rely a little less on him, and more on myself for making necessary moves and equipment changes. He calls me stubborn...I call it being independent (big grin). My pro shop guy...Roger Carrol...he makes sure my fit is perfect...even if I have to come back a million times because of my thumb (which has a mind of its own, and tends to swell and shrink true to the nature of the fairer gender!)

I'm rambling, but this might be a good thing. I wonder how many bowlers out there have a mental/emotional bowling epiphany when they feel they are on the brink of making progress and moving forward with their game. I know I can't be the only one.

To think I was the one who said I'd never pick up a bowling ball; and here I am wondering how I can move to "the next level". Who would have thought?!?

Introspect is something else!

Good day, and God bless.

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Comment by Kimberly D. (Farmer) Calhoun on November 19, 2010 at 3:38pm
Thank you, Tim! I sincerely hope that sharing a little of what I go through as a "fledgling" bowler helps those in the same position gain a little perspective...and a little hope. (smile)

Thank you for the pointers, Ron! As for those spares, I'm working on it. I've improved a little since I wrote this blog. Now my big thing is bowling well on BOTH nights I participate in league play. I've averaged between 172 and 185+ over the last few weeks on Monday nights. Friday nights are a whole different story. I'm off my game, and my focus is awful! LOL. I will get it worked out eventually!
With lining up for my strike shot, I've certainly used my coach (aka my Husband) to line me up. He's been an ANGEL working with me on my game.
Comment by ron evans on November 19, 2010 at 3:07pm
Spares....make your spares....use your plastic ball for all your right side spares and your strike ball for anything left of center...(this is my THS method)...for more strikes(lining up) would require someone to watch you bowl
Comment by TIM MCNAIR on November 18, 2010 at 1:56pm
Great commentary....hopefully this will help alot of us get better. Good luck with your bowling!!!

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