Thanks to everyone that bowled in the 2011 RBT Forest Park Scratch Open!  Please see results below:


Forest Park Open Singles 2011

Top 14 – Ratio 1:4.5

62 Bowlers

  1.                      Joe German, Powder Springs, GA $1500
  2.                       David Circle, N. Augusta, SC $800
  3.                       Greg Black Jr., Riverdale, GA $400
  4.                       Matt Burden, Anderson, SC $400
  5.                       Stoney Baker, Canton, GA $280
  6.                      Akil Razzak, Morrow, GA $280
  7.                      De’Mon Green, Atlanta, GA $280
  8.                      Jake Washington, Hiram, GA $280
  9.                      Brian Huther, Madison, AL $180
  10.                     Andy Harodecki, Norcross, GA $180
  11.                     James Lupoe, Decatur, GA $180
  12.                    Charles Withers II, Augusta, GA $180
  13.                    Chris McSwain, Kings Mtn, NC $150
  14.                    Darrel Ratliff, Monroe, NC $140
Stoney Baker, Top Qualifier after 5 - $75

Stoney Baker, Top Qualifier after 8 - $75

Total PAYOUT - $5380



  1. Stoney Baker
  2. Akil Razzak
  3. De'Mon Green
  4. Matt Burden
  5. Brian Huther
  6. Jake Washington
  7. Andy Harodecki
  8. Greg Black Jr.
  9. David Circle
  10. Joe German
  11. James Lupoe
  12. Charles Withers II
  13. Chris McSwain
  14. Darrel Ratliff
  15. Ken Simard
  16. Jhamall McGaughy
  17. Ronjay Johnson
  18. Myron Daniels
  19. Randy Weiss
  20. Hiram Mills
  21. Chris Massengale
  22. Bruce Heim
  23. Dominique Hodo
  24. John Hardman
  25. Robert Atkins
  26. James Blackstone
  27. Robert Holmes Jr.
  28. Nick Doggette
  29. Steve Evans
  30. JD Graham
  31. Sam Hoyle
  32. AJ Rice
  33. Jason Sterner
  34. Josh Gebhardt
  35. Tony Churchey
  36. Tom Bellnier
  37. Gary Morgan
  38. Jeff Shaw
  39. Terrance Bright
  40. Michael Givens
  41. Doug O'Bryant
  42. Will Drew
  43. Vince Honeycutt
  44. Leslie Starling
  45. Tory Garrett
  46. Tony Campagna
  47. Mark Langford
  48. Donovan Kelly
  49. Adam Miller
  50. Titus Harris
  51. Joe Penvose
  52. Rob Ritchea
  53. Michael Shipley
  54. Michael Kacos
  55. Mark Trombley
  56. Ron Fox
  57. Javon Evans
  58. Jason Fourman
  59. James Hawthorne
  60. Paul Nguyen
  61. Mark Ritchea
  62. Richard Moore


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RealBowlers really appreciate everyone that came out and bowled in this great event.....we will continue to work extra hard to put out the best tournaments we can. Hope to see everyone at the end of the month for our 2nd annual OVER 40 UNDER 40 SCRATCH DOUBLES. Thanks again!!!

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