I don’t know how many of you all have noticed, but I have (finally) decided to have my very first tournament in Atlanta.

The Bowling200.com Summer Handicap Doubles Challenge
Handicap Doubles 1st place: $1,500.00 Guaranteed
Scratch Singles 1st place: $500.00 Guaranteed
Handicap Singles 1st place: $500.00 Guaranteed

This is my first tournament, so I am hoping that many of you will be supportive, and come out to bowl! :)

I did my best to try to make a format that I (and others I consulted) felt would be fair and also low entry fee & alibi ... to all. Also – I am putting up my own money as a guarantee that the 1st place prizes will be paid as they say; $1,500 for 1st place doubles; $500 for 1st place scratch singles & $500 for handicap singles. I personally see (and have experienced) tournaments that advertise the “based on entry thing”, which is cool, but I just thought it might be a cool thing for you to get 1st place payouts... just as they are advertised. I actually wanted to make the 1st places higher, but since this is my first tournament, I didn't want to "run before I walk". If it goes well... I am definitely willing to do more $ in future tournaments.

I am looking forward to this, and I am open to any and all suggestions, thoughts (good or bad) that you would like to share.

Thanks for your support, respectfully yours-


Ps – I also would like to thank the Atlanta Pro Shops that are helping to sponsor this tournament. Bowler’s Express, Striking Results, and RAH. Also - Ellen at Funtime Bowl... Thank you!

I look forward to your feedback!

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I have to be there Chase to win some of the money back that you took from me pot bowling lol.
oh please....lol. Man, you're going to be he guy to "try to beat" in the 2009 Winter. Martin, I just get lucky every-now-and-then. You actually have the right form and swing to be a great bowler. For me... I'm kinda like a "scratch-off" lotto tix. I win $25, after putting in $80...lol

Martin said:
I have to be there Chase to win some of the money back that you took from me pot bowling lol.
Chase, i will definitely come out and participate......supporting each other is what its all about.
I have a very BIG smile on my face... THANK YOU Tim!!!! :)

Chase, i will definitely come out and participate......supporting each other is what its all about.
Just as a reminder, the Bowling200.com Doubles/Singles Bowling Tournament Registration will begin at **12:30 pm - Saturday, July25th, 2009

**This is a bonus squad, which will pay $200.00 cash to the Highest Team for that 1:30 bowling squad. Squad Entries are on a first-come - first-served basis.

We are sending this reminder because we already have pre-registered teams - so show up early to secure your spot for this 1:30 bonus squad.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday Squads 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm
Sat. - 1st squad (1:30 pm) high doubles team will receive $200.00

Also - Each squad, your entry fee will qualify you for various drawings and prizes:

· Restaurant Gift Cards
· Gas Cards
· Bowling Ball Bags (Sponsored by Striking Results Pro Shop)
· Bowling Balls (Sponsored by RAH Pro Shop & Bowler's Express Pro Shops)
· Music iPod
· And other great gifts.

Oh yeah...
· The iBowlstrikes $$$$$$$ Raffle drawing (very exciting!!!!)
· Cash Payout on the last day - you do not have to be present to win.
· 1 in 10 teams will cash

Chase said:

Chase said:
Just as a reminder, the Bowling200.com Doubles/Singles Bowling Tournament Registration will begin at **12:30 pm - Saturday, July25th, 2009

**This is a bonus squad, which will pay $200.00 cash to the Highest Team for that 1:30 bowling squad. Squad Entries are on a first-come - first-served basis.

We are sending this reminder because we already have pre-registered teams - so show up early to secure your spot for this 1:30 bonus squad.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday Squads 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm
Sat. - 1st squad (1:30 pm) high doubles team will receive $200.00

Also - Each squad, your entry fee will qualify you for various drawings and prizes:

· Restaurant Gift Cards
· Gas Cards
· Bowling Ball Bags (Sponsored by Striking Results Pro Shop)
· Bowling Balls (Sponsored by RAH Pro Shop & Bowler's Express Pro Shops)
· Music iPod
· And other great gifts.

Oh yeah...
· The iBowlstrikes $$$$$$$ Raffle drawing (very exciting!!!!)
· Cash Payout on the last day - you do not have to be present to win.
· 1 in 10 teams will cash

Chase said:

Good Luck with your tournament!
Thanks Theo. I really appreciate your support....and also allowing me to post the tournament here at Realbowlers.

Theo McNair said:
Good Luck with your tournament!
Just wanted to thank everyone for coming out for the 1st weekend

The unofficial high for the 1st week is 1372

There will be a $150 bonus for high team on this coming Sat, Aug 1 - 1st squad (1:30 pm)
Chase just wanted you to know we enjoyed the first weekend of your tournament......i really appreciate the great lengths you went thru to make it fair for everyone. The local showing of support was refreshing and it shows that people will participate in events if it is designed to be fair......good job Chase, to you and your crew.
Thank you Tim. Maaan, to hear that coming from you?? ...(silence)... well, it really means a LOT!. I tell you what though... I have a "NEW" appreciation for what you and Theo do... LOL. I am still kinda tired from this past weekend... and you all do this all the time. My hat is off to you.

Anyway - Thanks again.

Chase just wanted you to know we enjoyed the first weekend of your tournament......i really appreciate the great lengths you went thru to make it fair for everyone. The local showing of support was refreshing and it shows that people will participate in events if it is designed to be fair......good job Chase, to you and your crew.

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