RealTalk #7 Does your spouse or companion support your bowling?

Only on RealBowlers will you hear RealTalk like this. This topic is pretty much straight forward so, I am not going to elaborate too much :)

Does your spouse/ companion support your bowling? If not, what do you think the reason is?

If they are a bowler, do they want to see you do well, do they want you to be good but not as good as them :) is there a competitive nature between the two of you? Can you bowl on the same teams?

If they are not a bowler, do they understand your drive to want and get better or bowl 3 to 4 times a week? Do they come and see you bowl? Do you have to sneak out the house to go bowl? Have you cut your bowling time in half? Do you avoid their calls when you are at the bowling alley? :) C'mon this is "Real Talk" lol

I know I am not the only one whose wife has said something when I am headed to the bowling alley some times...and I only bowl twice a week. But, even when I was single and bowled maybe 3-5 times a week I had some ups and downs in relationships...yeah, they were bowling related issues... but, this isnt about me its about you.

So lets hear it. I know everyone can relate in some way.

For the record my wife supports my bowling!!... most of the times.

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Nice post Adorna.

adorna hayward said:
Well from what I have read, I can put a spin on this discussion. As majority of the bowling family knows that I am in a relationship with another bowler. He and I are our worst enemies and each others #1 fan. We have each others back when it comes to other people talking about us but we would throw each other under the bus when we get home. Being raised in a bowling alley I dreaded dating a bowler and always lost good potenial partners because of it, but now being in my first bowling partner relationship life is so much smoother. We do bowl on the same team and bowl together in doubles tournaments (I am kind of off limits to other guys unless he doesn’t feel like bowling). Of course everything has there pros and cons to them, so my con about this set-up is that I now have to find something else to use as a break from him. In my past relationships bowling was my safe haven and stress relief, now that my relationship is apart of that I can not run to the bowling alley any more because he would either be already there or running right behind me (agh!). The biggest pro for me is having someone that is there for me 100%, and makes me want to do the same for him. Giving credit to each other, we have both improved our averages by 10 to 15 pins in league and tournament play.
Most of the better girlfriends that I have had understand that this is what I do. Other than work I am in the bowling alley, so I guess they figure thats better than being in the clubs. I do hate when they ask if I have to bowl tonight and they KNOW its a league night.
Bummer, I'm doing this again. Now you will miss all the wonderful things I said before (smile). My wubby (wife-husband) and I both love the sport of bowling. I have been bowling for over 18 years. She got into bowling because of me (she's a newby). In the beginning she wanted me to coach and work with her and I had to explain to her that it would not be a good idea because I would be extremely critical and hard on her but she said she didn't care. That lasted all of one training session (LOL); afterward, I asked my ex-husband to coach her. They work well together and practice together all the time. It works out perfect for me because I really hate practicing and figure that league time is my practice time. My baby and I go to most tournaments together and support each other when one is bowling and the other is not. The only con is that when she is bowling bad it will take me out of my game because I'm worried about her. Soon those days will be a thing of the past. Oh well in anycase I love her because I got my cake and can eat it too. I honestly know that I could not be with anyone who did not understand that bowling was important to me. I broke up with someone because she could not understand that I was going to go bowling no matter what, shoot I missed my own graduation (with honors) to go to a tournament.
I bowl for my satisfaction first. When I was married, my husband hated it. Initially because he didn't know the game but secondly because once learning the game he wasn't as driven as I to improve. Well now, I'm single (not because of the game) my daughter has picked up the game and is actually becoming very good at it. Like myself, she will not allow anyone to dictate how much time she can spend bowling nor will she attempt to limit a significant other from bowling. I initially used bowling as an escape from football on a sunday afternoon. Well, I still don't get into football but I have never attempted to take a man away from the football game, so all I ask is that I'm allowed to spend my time on the lanes.
My wife definatly doesnt like it. She has said things to me many times but yet she still claims she supports me and wants me to do good. I bowl in 1 league a week, I have sub'd twice and caught hell both times. I try to bowl at lunch but she claims that I'm making bowling more important than coming home and spending an hour with her and our daughter at lunch. I tell her that she should be lucky I get to come home at lunch. Half of the time my daughter is asleep, so I just sit there and watch tv. Great bonding time huh. She definatly supports me for going to Reno and bowling in Nationals, but local tournaments??? HA! yeah right. I dont get it. She wants me to teach her how to bowl, but when we go, she doesnt listen to what I tell her and she claims that I get mad at my bowling and take it too seriously, that's so far from the truth it's scary. Anyways, I'm not sure there's enough room on this forum to say what it is I want to say about this subject.
I feel you on that one bro.

Christopher Heron said:
My wife definatly doesnt like it. She has said things to me many times but yet she still claims she supports me and wants me to do good. I bowl in 1 league a week, I have sub'd twice and caught hell both times. I try to bowl at lunch but she claims that I'm making bowling more important than coming home and spending an hour with her and our daughter at lunch. I tell her that she should be lucky I get to come home at lunch. Half of the time my daughter is asleep, so I just sit there and watch tv. Great bonding time huh. She definatly supports me for going to Reno and bowling in Nationals, but local tournaments??? HA! yeah right. I dont get it. She wants me to teach her how to bowl, but when we go, she doesnt listen to what I tell her and she claims that I get mad at my bowling and take it too seriously, that's so far from the truth it's scary. Anyways, I'm not sure there's enough room on this forum to say what it is I want to say about this subject.
I met mine in our league:)

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