They just keep gettin better. What the original Cell may lack in angle the Rogue makes up for it. What the Cell Pearl lacked in ability to handle heavier oil, the Rogue makes up for it. Every ball has its place in our order is what we are told and this one has been able to take just about every spot in my bag. The only regret with this one so far is that I don't have more than two but that can problem is easily solved.
I have used both of the ones I have drilled up on 3 different lane surfaces and haven't put them down since I got them. I am a medium rev with medium speed player who enjoys playing different parts of the lane whenever possible. I map out all of my equipment using the Dual Angle Layout technique and the first one is drilled with a 65 degree initial angle and 4.75" ping distance and 45 degree VAL angle, and a weight hole in the lower thumb quadrant strong middlane roll position. Box surface on this one with a slight glaze. Very clean through the front with very agressive arc at the end of the pattern. The more I let the ball do what it wants to do(which is HOOOOOOOKKKK!!!!) the better it reacts. I have not had a problem with this ball recovering off of the break point even on a very deep inside line.
The second Rogue I have drilled up is 80 degree initial angle and 6.25" pin to PAP distance with a 60 degree VAL angle, Weight hole below thumb adjacent thumb line. This ball was drilled Specifically for the Cheetah pattern and houses with lots of friction to the outside. Again clean through the front half with a strong controlled arc on the back end part of the lane and what a monster when it hits. Example: I know my ball speed was up and I know what the machines look like out back but I threw a pin over the middle and onto the pin deck of the lane next to me. Could have been a coincedence and a pin just fell out of the other rack but the timing was too perfect. I should have asked the mechanic to count them but didn't. All I gotta say is wow.
In my opinion the best high end performance ball on the market.
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