
300 Club

If you have ever bowled a 300 game in your life. This group is for you.

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which one is harder the first or second 300?

Started by Alan Locher. Last reply by Craig Cihlar Mar 9, 2010. 9 Replies

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Comment by Johnnie Hickman on June 25, 2010 at 12:33pm
Bowled i my first south regional and finished in 12th place 12 pins from cashing and 42 pins from the cut on the chameleon pattern. I'll do better in Gastonia, NC on July 2 after I come back from Reno next week maybe I'll see some of you there.
Comment by Darwin Ratleff on March 10, 2010 at 12:14am
I've finally made the Club.. And it was the hardest thing i've done in recent memory. But I'll be honest, my lucky shot came in the 4th frame that hit lite.. Every shot after was flush... But my luck came after in the 1st frame of the next game, when I left the pocket 5-7-10 split.... (Whew)
Comment by Craig Cihlar on March 9, 2010 at 12:20pm
I have only been bowling for 5 years and I'm 47 years old and in my 2nd Year I shot 290 and picked up the 6-7-10 split in the 1st frame to do it. Followed by 3 or 4 weeks of throwing the front 8. I stated to myself "If I get past the front 8 I'm gonna throw it". I shot the front 9 (YEH) and on ball 12 I could not feel my legs or for that matter any part of the lower body group, and I told myself "You have done this before, just throw it like the other 11. I did!! Wow what an honor! I had the exact same feeling on my second 300. My 3rd 300 however, I was fully aware of what I was doing and it is my favorite because I saw every ball leave the deck center mass and to this day I wear that 300 Ring as a reminder that no matter how old or new you are "you just never know when Glory is going to strike" and for that matter 12 x's.
Comment by Chad Ratliff on February 24, 2010 at 10:11am
I think the first one is always the hardest on the nerves! Just shooting a 300 is hard enough and I don't think it ever gets easy but the nerves don't act up as bad as they did in the previous games.
Comment by Smoooov on January 4, 2010 at 8:58pm
i would say my very 1st one.... I shot a 297 against my brother, Mr Demon Green... he tried coaching me threw it.. My first two in the 10th was Great..... but that last if you saw the shot, you would have thought i was a lefty !!!!!!!
Comment by Lou Caires on October 26, 2009 at 6:53pm
631 without a 200 game... LOL. That was in the mixed league I bowled in 1985 (?, have to find the ABC watch to find the date). It was at Serra Bowl in Daly City, CA with my co-workers. They had never seen a 300 game. That was the best part. I think I broke 150 the last game, but they were still in awe. Once shot two 300's in one unsanctioned, REALLY walled, tournament. I think there were at least a dozen 300's shot in that tournament. I think my "best" game ever was a 287 on an "even oil" (or worst) house back in the late 70's. High average for that house that year was 191. Most houses back then would have a few 300’s and one or no 800 series in a season. Looks like things have changed a bit in the last 25 years... never saw so many sanctioned, full season, 220 averages. Let alone a 239 book average as I see in my current house. Whatever happen to ABC (USBC now) efforts to keep scores down?!? I would love to find a "sports league" to bowl try out, but have not found one yet. However, my biggest shock now is how empty houses are during league time. Back in the 70’s, there was not an open lane from 6 to 11 pm Monday through Friday. And I have yet to see a 5 man team league, which was the norm back then. What has happen to bowling?!?
Comment by Robert Riedy on June 21, 2009 at 9:33am
Just bowled my 12th 300 on wed. june 17, still as nervous as my first one.
Comment by Chase on May 25, 2009 at 6:45pm
I got my 1st and ONLY Sanctioned 300 game this past winter season in 2008.

…The funny thing is that there have been at least 10 other times this season where I ended with 299, 289, or 279 where I was rolling the ball much better.

The 300 game had one of the ugliest 11-strike shots you would EVER see...LOL. So for me, I guess the 2nd 300 is the hardest.
Comment by B'yon P. Hairston on March 27, 2009 at 12:55am
My first 300 I was shaking thought I was going to throw the ball in the gutter, Now my second 300 I wasn't bowling good that night but the last game I shot it, then came back the next week and was running late due to a bad rain storm just got there before the end of the 3rd frame and shout my third 300. That first one was the hardest.
Comment by Joseph "Butch" Winter on March 19, 2009 at 8:51am
My first unsanctioned 300 was in a pot game we were having after our friday night trio scratch league in 1989 across four lanes. My first sanctioned 300 was bowling a five man mens league with dad in 1991. I have had eight since then and I can say that i have been just as nervous as the first on all of them but one.

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