Below is a list of the dates for the upcoming RBT season. Please mark you calendars, we are looking forward to another great season.

2009-10 RBT Schedule
December 5th 3rd Annual Something 4 the Ladies – Forest Park Fun Bowl
December 12th 6th Annual Holiday Scratch Singles – AMF Marietta Lanes
January 16th RBT Scratch Singles – Your Bowling Center Douglasville, GA
February 7th 4th Annual SuperBowl Scratch Singles – AMF Marietta
March 7th 3rd Annual South Carolina Scratch Singles – AMF Star Lanes - Greenville, SC
April 18th 6th Annual Atlanta Spring Scratch Singles – Midtown Lanes
May 22nd & 23rd RBT Something 4 The Seniors Scratch Open – Forest Park Funtime
June 6th Canton Scratch Open – Cherokee Lanes
July 11th 6th Atlanta Summer Scratch Singles – Brunswick Zone Marietta
August 1st 16th Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic – AMF Marietta
Sept. 12-13 3rd RealBowlers Match Play Championship – Forest Prk Funtime

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Theo, hey man it's Ken McNeely. Looking forward to bowling your tour this season. Try to dodge the weekend of May14-16th. That's the SharkBowl weekend. We have $4000 added. $3000 for main event and $1000 for the sweeper. Just wondering who did your website. I'm going to get one started for the Shark Tour. PBA is cutting out my threads but not anyone else. Heard from a good source that they find us as a threat to their regional circuit. Pretty crazy if you ask me . I'm just getting started. Maybe it's because I've got some new sponsors this season. We kickoff on Oct. 4th in Statesville, N.C. for the Brunswick Kickoff Classic. $1000 on top guaranteed and $100 low to cash. Send Greg Black and the fellas up if there's nothing going on in the ATL. We should get a good turnout. Talk to you soon. Later

The Laneshark
that's an interesting quote. "Heard from a good source that they find us as a threat to their regional circuit. Pretty crazy if you ask me ." Well, if you guys are running a tournament with regional touring players bowling against some of the local talent and the entry fee is 120 (which is cheap to the 285 that the regional wants), where do you think the guys are going to go? Hell, if they can save a 165 drop in the bucket, don't have to bowl against half as many sharks, you do the math......
Hey Theo, my tournament this year is January 9 & 10th, 2010. Hope we both have a good turnout.
I guess you will probably not post it on your site this year since you are having one to.
I will have a flyer ready soon if you can let me know.

Clarke Hill
King Pin Pro Shop
Goldsboro, NC
Fox, what is "local talent"?

F.O.X said:
that's an interesting quote. "Heard from a good source that they find us as a threat to their regional circuit. Pretty crazy if you ask me ." Well, if you guys are running a tournament with regional touring players bowling against some of the local talent and the entry fee is 120 (which is cheap to the 285 that the regional wants), where do you think the guys are going to go? Hell, if they can save a 165 drop in the bucket, don't have to bowl against half as many sharks, you do the math......
Clarke, still send me the flyer. I will post it.

KINGPIN8535 said:
Hey Theo, my tournament this year is January 9 & 10th, 2010. Hope we both have a good turnout.
I guess you will probably not post it on your site this year since you are having one to.
I will have a flyer ready soon if you can let me know.

Clarke Hill
King Pin Pro Shop
Goldsboro, NC
What I consider the local talent are the bowlers from in and around the Atlanta area. By all means get as many bowlers as you can that will participate in your tournaments

Theo McNair said:
Fox, what is "local talent"?

F.O.X said:
that's an interesting quote. "Heard from a good source that they find us as a threat to their regional circuit. Pretty crazy if you ask me ." Well, if you guys are running a tournament with regional touring players bowling against some of the local talent and the entry fee is 120 (which is cheap to the 285 that the regional wants), where do you think the guys are going to go? Hell, if they can save a 165 drop in the bucket, don't have to bowl against half as many sharks, you do the math......

AMF Marietta will take the ones that are TBD if you can't find anywhere else
Why are so many at AMF Marietta? Is it bc they give you the best deal on lineage or nobody is open those dates?
Ditto on the Marietta lanes. Only once per year would be nice. What do you need to take a tournament somewhere else ?

Vince H.

Alan Chetister said:
Why are so many at AMF Marietta? Is it bc they give you the best deal on lineage or nobody is open those dates?
There are four out of ten thats at AMF Marietta. We like the house, they give us great service, that means alot when you host tournaments. They are also flexible on the dates as well. I actually get better linage at some other houses. A couple of years ago there were 3 centers in Metro Atlanta that were closed, so that cut some of our options out. Why whats the problem?

Alan Chetister said:
Why are so many at AMF Marietta? Is it bc they give you the best deal on lineage or nobody is open those dates?
We have confirmed AMF Star Lanes in Greenville for the March 7th 3rd Annual South Carolina Scratch Singles. We are excited to go back to South Carolina which has proven to be one of the best stops each season.

We are still waiting on some other confirmations. We will keep you posted.
We have confirmed Midtown Bowl - Atlanta for our 6th Annual Atlanta Spring Scratch Singles on April 18th. We have tried to get in this house many times before and this will the first time the RBT will be there. We are excited!! Please mark your calendars.

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 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
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$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

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