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  • Brunswick Zone Roswell
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  • Billy Plane
  • Brian A. Toliver
  • Stephanie Wills
  • Tristina (Cherry) Allen
  • NISA
  • Darwin Ratleff
  • Damien Laird
  • Cris
  • Anitra
  • terry (t-bone) bacon
  • Carla Whitehead
  • Gwendolyn Thomas

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F.O.X's Blog

Thomas "Bris" Brisbon

Posted on August 11, 2011 at 7:06pm 4 Comments

Today marks the passing to a gentelman that has been around bowling for a long time.


His first passion was golf and enjoyed it as much as he could. He took on bowling as a "substitute" to his golf and has helped all those that he felt that he could help.


"Bris" was my second father, my bowling coach and most of all one of my best friends.


There will be no one like "Bris".


I will miss him dearly.


Posted on October 17, 2009 at 4:22am 2 Comments

I was fortunate enough to be invited to Brunswick's Demo Day earlier this week . I'd like to thank Johnnie Jackson of Bowlers Express Pro Shop for inviting me, and always doing a fine job on my bowling equipment.

The Brunswick and Morich balls have changed a tad bit. For those who felt that Brunswick balls "rolled too soon" or "hooked at your feet" you're in for a surprise. The Morich line has even added a new ball that hasn't been released yet called the "Craze". It utilizes the… Continue

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At 8:46pm on December 4, 2010, Stephanie Wills said…
Hey Fox!! I thought about you today cuz I bowled in the RBT Something 4 The Ladies at Forest Park. I was remembering the other summer when I bowled in a doubles tourney with you there. How are you?! What have you been up to?
At 2:23am on September 14, 2010, Otto Ferguson III said…
What's up F.O.X.?

I greatly appreciate the compliments on the PBR Series ball racks. They are being received very well by the bowling community at large! I launched them May 2010, and we already have national distribution through one of the nations most respected in the bowling products distribution game (Ace Mitchell Bowlers Mart of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio).

You can order online at www.infinitevisionbowling.com. And in the special comments section mention that you discovered our product on RealBowlers and I will give you a 1 level upgrade. (Ex. I'll sell you a 15 ball version for the for price of the 12 ball version. Or a 12 ball version for the price of a 9 ball version.) This offer applies only to the first 50 orders from RealBowlers! So act fast.

Again thanks for the compliments. Hope to place an order for you soon! Until then good luck on them lanes! And please tell a friend about us!

At 11:44am on September 11, 2010, Cris said…
LOL! No fire or desire for bowling yet. I may watch the tourny today. We'll see....

I hear you've been kicking butt and taking names. Is that true? :)
At 10:12am on February 28, 2010, cynthia patton said…
Things still the same. lol you know the drill.
At 6:28pm on February 25, 2010, Anitra said…
Thanks a lot F.O.X!!!
At 12:30am on October 20, 2009, Chase said…
Hey... yeah, I did the very first squad. I tried pretty much everything there...and even took a lesson with Mo.
At 5:08pm on September 25, 2009, Jimmy Menefee Jr. said…
Thank you sir!!
At 3:13pm on September 24, 2009, NISA said…
I'm just working trying to get done on time to bowl tonight.
At 8:38am on August 16, 2009, Jimmy Menefee Jr. said…
Thanks Fox. I don't look at it as a lost but much experience gained. I'm new to the tournament scene so they won't see the last of me. I appreciate the words of encouragement and I won't take it for granted.
At 8:20pm on June 25, 2009, Cris said…
Thanks Fox. I'm not sure what happened to the last pic

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$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 14, 2015
James Cooper Jr. is attending Theo McNair's event

Roto Grip 4 Game Sweeper $500 at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 15, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Scratch Singles Event  $500 1st Place Total score for 4 games wins! 1:5 Payout Ratio HOUSE SHOT $50 Entry FeeSee More
Aug 14, 2015
Theo McNair updated an event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 13, 2015

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