I was fortunate enough to be invited to Brunswick's Demo Day earlier this week . I'd like to thank Johnnie Jackson of Bowlers Express Pro Shop for inviting me, and always doing a fine job on my bowling equipment.

The Brunswick and Morich balls have changed a tad bit. For those who felt that Brunswick balls "rolled too soon" or "hooked at your feet" you're in for a surprise. The Morich line has even added a new ball that hasn't been released yet called the "Craze". It utilizes the "Frenzy" weight block but with a more aggressive cover stock. Even with the more aggressive coverstock the ball glides through the front part of the lane, and retains unbelievable hitting power. The hook is just ridicolous.

The Brunswick line up of balls are excellent. Yet, I felt these are going to be very special balls. 1. Siege 2. Wild Card 3. Python 4. Diamond Back 5. C-System 2.5

The Siege fooled me for a minute. I threw this ball and it went so far down the lane, I never thought it was going to move. Then when it did, I was stunned. I said to myself these balls are nothing close to my older Brunswick equipment. The Siege is very controllable and hits like a truck on the back. Mind you there was plenty of oil on the lanes. When the ball came back I looked at how much it flared and the amount of "oil rings" on the ball , I said to myself "this thing is a beast". I decided to stand 24 with my feet, threw the ball to 16 and used 8 as the break point. I looked like it wasn't going to come back , then all I saw was pins everywhere. Good controllable power.

Wild card. Interesting ball. Another hidden gem. It's purple and reddish color is eye catching, yet it's hitting power is also. This ball revs up fast and clears the heads also very nicely. Hitting power is like a wrecking ball swinging into the pins, they're definitely going to go down.

Python. Beautiful green and yellow swirl high gloss polished coverstock with the "Inferno" weight block. (I love my Inferno, Ultimate Inferno and Absolute). This ball I had to play a litte straighter to the pocket, but no compromise on hitting power here. For those that like the "Inferno's" this is going to be a good addition.

Diamond Back. To me, this is going to be a real good one. This one has the "Activator" solid coverstock from the "Inferno's". Yellow and black in color, rev's up quick, clears the heads nice and rolls to the pocket sweet. With it's color scheme, there is no mistaking when it's rolling or changing direction.

C-system 2.5. First off, the ball color is amazing. The finish isn't quite polished, yet not quite dull either. This is a very high tech ball. This one is not to be taken lightly and believe me this ball is coming back when it hits the dry. This is one of those balls you can lay it down on 16, get it to 5 and here it comes with authority. The colors allow you to see it roll or change direction. A truly nice ball.


If you have the "Frenzy", and thought that was strong. You're in for an eye opener with the "Craze". The "Craze" uses the same weight block as the "Frenzy", yet with a more aggressive coverstock. Even though the cover is more aggressive than the "Frenzy" it clears the heads clean. All the movement and hitting power is retained for the backend. This is another not to be taken lightly either, a true beast.

The Brunswick and Morich Line up is amazing. All hi quality and high tech balls that can be suited to almost anyone's game and condition that they are planning to play on.

I was fortunate enough to meet the great Johnny Petraglia, and "Mo" Pinel. Two amazing people in the sport of bowling.

I'd like to thank Johnnie Jackson again and wish everyone good luck in bowling.

Views: 57


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Comment by TIM MCNAIR on October 21, 2009 at 5:55pm
Hey Fox, i was unable to attend and based on your very detailed and vivid review of the different balls i definitely will make the next one. Sound like Brunswick's new line up will be impressive. Thanks for sharing this valuable information with the RealBowlers community....nice review.
Comment by Chase on October 19, 2009 at 6:46pm
I went there too Fox...and had fun. I did like the "Craze" from MoRich...but everything else they had out there hooked up too early or soon for me. But overall, it was fun.

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