Attention Atlanta Area Bowlers! Going to the Rhodman tournament?

Hey everybody,

I know alot of us that are going to the TNBA Rhodman in Memphis, TN March 20th. I wish I had thought of this a little sooner but figured it might still be worth trying.

Was wondering if enough of you would be interested in taking a Charter bus to Memphis? I have already done some calls and ran some numbers and with at least 40 people it would probably run us around $190 per person.
This would cover hotel (double occupancy) and transportation. We would leave out early Friday morning the 20th and get back late Sunday evening the 22nd. Of course all of the details would still have to be worked out.

Also, Saturday evening have a trip to one of the casinos in Tunica for a few hours.

I think it would be fun! Plus we wouldnt have to have 30 separate cars going in the same direction. Let me know what you think. Of course, you wouldnt have to drive (rent a car) or worry about your hotel accomodations. This could possibly be something we do annually if it goes well.

Wanted to see if enough people would be interested. Spread the word and let me know ASAP, respond to this post trying to see if there were enough numbers to go ahead and set this up as a definite or private message me and let me know.


678 575-8109

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I know the owners of two Atlanta-based charter bus companies. Let me know if this idea generates steam.

i like this idea. i'm in
For the trip and good bowling alone, I am in. I am sure that i will have some company...probably a few seats that I could fill.
for that price i would probably bowl. count me in for 2. oh yeah, I know that includes food! LOL
And drinks..and some adult entertainment..and.....just kidding
Of course you have to cover your own bowling and Wanda thanks for volunteering for the adult entertainment :) I can provide some light snacks.
Uuhh, naw
I think that's a good idea. Count me in if you get enough people...
Those of you that are definitely interested and know of others that you feel would be interested pass the word to them so that we can get a realistic idea of whose interested and then we can move forward with this. Like Theo said, we dont have much time to work with so we will have to depend a lot on word of mouth from those of you who are aware of this. Thanks in advance for helping us make this happen, i believe it will a great alternative to making that trip to Memphis. Thanks again.
As long as get 2 drive the me in
Alright, are there any more interest before I squash the idea. I have gotten about 15-20 that stated they are interested. If I can hear from about 15 more than we can make this happen. Ask around in league and come back and let me know on this forum or call me.


678 575-8109
I want to go. Is it too late to enter the tournament? Reserve me a seat. Umm... I have never been to this tournament so you mind telling me where I can find the entry form???

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