Do you think that youth or younger bowlers get the respect on the lanes?

Hey, whats up everyone? I was just thinking about some of the things I have been going through and some of the things that I have been noticing and decided to ask yall what yall think. Do you think that youth or younger bowlers get much respect on the lanes, if any?Yall let me know what yall think?

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Sure to a certain degree. Especially now more than before because they allow juniors to bowl with adults in tournaments, we didnt get to do that when i was coming up in the YABA. Take Jake for example, he proves everytime he bowls a RBT he can compete with us so yeah we respect him. Juniors can bowl regionals now for scholarship money. So i would say yeah if they are doing things to get respect. I dont think they get it just by moving up, respect is earned. Just because you do well as a youth with the youth that doesnt mean you will do well as an adult with adults. Its like moving from the minors up to the majors.
Yes i agree with Nick, youth bowlers are getting more of a opportunity to test there game against adults and as a result older bowlers are taking notice. The respect will come in a sense, as the gap is bridged between the youth and the adults when the adults dont always assume because i'm older or more experienced that theres nothing a young bowler can show me. And younger bowlers respecting the game and the bowlers that paved the way for them. It all works hand in hand.....respect works both ways. Theres alot we can learn from each other on both sides and when we make that happen, our sports will continue to flourish and new stars will develop each year in bowling.
You know i think its funny thing as a adult bowler looking down and seeing a junior bowler competing in the same tournament as i am. Its a love/hate feeling for me. I think its great that the youth can compete with us, i know it helps them gain experience for when they move up but at the same time they are taking away a cash spot from us. That i am not completely sold on. Its not like i dont want to lose to a youth or anything like that but i dont agree with them taking a cash spot from us adults. Like i said i got mixed emotions on it.
Got to agree with nick on this topic. It does help the gain experience to see if they want to move up or stay down. More power to them to be honest. I just kind of wish that USBC would have came in while I was bowling youth tournaments. No big deal though

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