Just something fun to discuss Match-Ups you would like to see Male vs Male, Female vs Female or Male vs Female. Myron "Zapp" Dainels vs The Legend Ike Reese, G-Black vs Charles Jordan, Tesa Dyson vs Quan, Johnnie Jackson vs Curt T "battle of the no thumbers" Nina vs Isom just something fun to think about past, present, new school Josh Brown vs Truck or even grudge matches Jack Taylor vs Mr. Ken Taylor

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I would also like to see Jason Sterner vs Derick Reynolds. Room mates battle it out.
Sounds good CJ II, let me know if you need some help. I can get Douglasville (YBC), that would be a neutral site for almost all of the mentioned matchups. The shot is not as forgiving as most, you have to be pretty accurate. Throw it too wide and it will hang, Tug it and it might hold. All in all it is a house shot and you can score there when you are lined up.
This is an interesting conversation. I would like to see some of these great match up that yall mentioned such as, Myron "Zapp" Dainels vs The Legend Ike Reese, Tesa Dyson vs Quan, and Tameka vs Latonya. Also, I would like to see myself Dominique Hodo vs Terrance Bright and Curtis Wilson vs myself. If you guys do the shootout let me know, I would love to bowl.
Oh, I have a few more I would like to see :)
Husband vs wife, ex vs ex, girlfriend vs boyfriend. I am going to put a few out there:
1. Charles Jordan vs Karma Jordan (I bowl with them on Weds. this won't be as lopsided as some think:)
2. Nick Smith vs Daphne Smith (I will let Nick tell us who he think)
3. Jack Jackson vs. Tameka Jackson (I know I'm not the only one that would want to see that)
4. Quan Green vs De'mon Green (very good match up n my opinion)
5. Stephanie Vines vs. Myron Vines
6. Tim McNair vs Cicely McNair (just kidding!!)

You guys can tell me some more match ups.
Randy hicks vs Allen Hicks
man theo you trying to get something started:-). Honestly for us it would depend on the shot as to how it would turn out. They drier the lanes the less Daphne scores, that is something she is working on however, so i would beat her if they hook. If theres oil it is all up to who can carry, we are about even when we can throw it straight.
I thought of something else I would like to see which is old school vs new school. Such as, Truck vs Charles Jordan, or Jake Washington vs Charles Jordan, Jimmy Menefee vs Jack Taylor and Dominique Hodo vs D' Mon Green. Yall tell me what yall think and let me know if it's anyone else yall would like to see.
Come on guys you are kidding right ???!!! House shots - what does this prove ? ! This is a REAL bowlers site !!! Come on get with the show.
well considering the bowling world doesnt revolve around sport bowling or sport patterns there really isnt a big deal with doing one on one match ups on house patterns. Besides house patterns are the fairest patterns to all types of bowlers, left handed or right handed. Some sport patterns and pba patterns cater to certain bowlers and most of them do not favor the left side for the most part. Scoring well on a sport pattern also depends on how wide your selection of bowling balls is, the right ball and right reaction helps you score, you should know that. On a house pattern you can still strike on a regular with stuff made many years ago. Most of us real bowlers could walk in to any of our local centers with almost any 2 balls we own and score, you cant do that very often on sport patterns and expect to compete all the time.
Nick Smith said:
well considering the bowling world doesnt revolve around sport bowling or sport patterns there really isnt a big deal with doing one on one match ups on house patterns. Besides house patterns are the fairest patterns to all types of bowlers, left handed or right handed. Some sport patterns and pba patterns cater to certain bowlers and most of them do not favor the left side for the most part. Scoring well on a sport pattern also depends on how wide your selection of bowling balls is, the right ball and right reaction helps you score, you should know that. On a house pattern you can still strike on a regular with stuff made many years ago. Most of us real bowlers could walk in to any of our local centers with almost any 2 balls we own and score, you cant do that very often on sport patterns and expect to compete all the time.

Im going to disagree Nick for a couple of reasons.

Patterns do sometimes favor one ball roll over another, however you still have to execute good quality shots and be able to control a breakpoint.

House shots are EXTREMELY matchup sensitive, and if matched up properly one doesn't have to remotely control their breakpoint or ball roll. I think a house shot exagerates matchup and ball choice a lot more than patterns. There are tons of bowlers in Atlanta that average 210+ that can't break an egg without the bumpers up. If you put them against Greg Black they can shoot 750 because the miss area is so large, however if you take away the 5 board area and bring shotmaking into the equation, the chances of them beating a quality player are MUCH lower.

Im going to agree with Jeff....the better matchups would be pitting players against each other on a series of patterns and see who comes out on top. All house shots are similar. I can't think of one house in this city that I can't stand around 30 and look 15 and find a ball that will work from there.....that won't prove anything.
I guess we need to change the topic to DREAM MATCHUPS ON A SPORT PATTERN. Come on guys(and Jeff) we are only having fun talking about good players on a HOUSE SHOT. As for sport bowling, you can have good days and bad days. In the end the best bowlers rise to the top. Thats why Jeff, Greg, Isom, Qualtrough, and others average 230+ and the others average 210. When you start putting "your own money" on the line, there is added pressure(House shot or Sport Shot). So lets see these players put their own money on the line and see some real bowling.
We are not talking about pitting low average players against the best players anyway, Charles vs Greg would be a good match on a House shot or a Sport Shot. Jeff, Are you ducking the Jake match up?

Randy Russell said:
Nick Smith said:
well considering the bowling world doesnt revolve around sport bowling or sport patterns there really isnt a big deal with doing one on one match ups on house patterns. Besides house patterns are the fairest patterns to all types of bowlers, left handed or right handed. Some sport patterns and pba patterns cater to certain bowlers and most of them do not favor the left side for the most part. Scoring well on a sport pattern also depends on how wide your selection of bowling balls is, the right ball and right reaction helps you score, you should know that. On a house pattern you can still strike on a regular with stuff made many years ago. Most of us real bowlers could walk in to any of our local centers with almost any 2 balls we own and score, you cant do that very often on sport patterns and expect to compete all the time.

Im going to disagree Nick for a couple of reasons.

Patterns do sometimes favor one ball roll over another, however you still have to execute good quality shots and be able to control a breakpoint.

House shots are EXTREMELY matchup sensitive, and if matched up properly one doesn't have to remotely control their breakpoint or ball roll. I think a house shot exagerates matchup and ball choice a lot more than patterns. There are tons of bowlers in Atlanta that average 210+ that can't break an egg without the bumpers up. If you put them against Greg Black they can shoot 750 because the miss area is so large, however if you take away the 5 board area and bring shotmaking into the equation, the chances of them beating a quality player are MUCH lower.

Im going to agree with Jeff....the better matchups would be pitting players against each other on a series of patterns and see who comes out on top. All house shots are similar. I can't think of one house in this city that I can't stand around 30 and look 15 and find a ball that will work from there.....that won't prove anything.
Well Randy i agree with you. All i was saying was that its easier for certain bowlers to score on certain conditions. In my personal opinion Put all thats interested on a flat coat shot, run it gutter to gutter that way its the same for absolutely everybody, run it like 38-39 ft. Then lets see where the quality is. I agree with the what you are saying about guys who cant score on anything but their local house shot but they wouldnt be the only ones bowling on it. The quality guys would as well.

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