Bowled team squad for state today. Threw my first ball in the 10th for five in a row, then all the pins fell from the pin setter. Took like 5-10 min for them to straighten everything out. threw my second ball and leave the 3-9. How do you guys regain your focus after your routine is broken like this?

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This used to be something I had a very hard time with....I think the key is a preshot routine. It doesn't have to be elaborate, just something that you do everytime you are getting ready to throw the ball. When something like that happens, you just take yourself mentally away from the situation, talk to teammates, think about a tv show...whatever. Then when the arrows come back up, you go through your preshot and hopefully your mind is in the right place at this point....which is simply on making a quality pitch.
Yes I have a very deliberate Pre shot routine. I think I just let my angst get in the way. In picking up the ball then holding it, then putting it back down cause they forgot to change the score back, I think I just need to work on my focus. Maybe bowl some cosmic bowling, focus on the target even with lights swirling around, and maybe practice on lanes near kids. I think thats the next level on my learning totem pole. staying focus no matter what.
You really have to just. Step back, relax and dont get mad that the lane broke down. Dont hold the ball in your hand or stand on or by the lane waiting for the lane to get fixed. Talk bout something else or do some stretches. That what relaxes me. Remember lanes will break down. Then when the lanes are back up, just make sure you do your complete pre shot routine properly.
I actually treat that like one of the first 9 frames. I go back to doing what a doing in between frames, whether it be cutting up with teammates or whatever. Then when it comes time for me to bowl i am starting fresh. I have one of the most particular pre shot routines that ive ever seen. I squeeze my rosin ball the same number of times every shot, i brush my soles the same number of times, I take the same path to the ball return for each lane i go to. Its very detailed, but t keeps me in a rhythm.
Have a good pre shot routine is how i deal with distractions. Another thing that helps me is not taking distractions personal....whether its mechanical or a person. Its all a part of bowling, bowling is a sport where you will have things grabbing at your focus and that where being strong mentally pays dividends. Practice sometime in a distracting environment may help you learn to mentally block certain things out.
Tim is right practicing in an enviroment that is distracting does help to block things out. I used to bowl/practice a good bit during cosmic bowling. I dont know of a more distracting enviroment than that. It helped me to learn to block out alot of things. When i bowl league now i actually dont hear anything once i step onto the approach unless its out of the ordinary or extremely loud.
I know of a bigger distraction. Bowling on Saturday afternoon with you in the middle lane and birthday parties on both sides of you. Used to do it, helps out with my mental game alot. Also have to agree with nick bout the cosmic bowling but never did like the fog machine.

Nick Smith said:
Tim is right practicing in an enviroment that is distracting does help to block things out. I used to bowl/practice a good bit during cosmic bowling. I dont know of a more distracting enviroment than that. It helped me to learn to block out alot of things. When i bowl league now i actually dont hear anything once i step onto the approach unless its out of the ordinary or extremely loud.
Me and a friend was talking about this. She said trying to focus on your mark while the lights and lasers are going all around your mark is a great trainer for a quiet eye.

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