Hey guys, here is the info for the 1st Annual Southern Shootout Championship in Casselberry,FL May 15-17. Any questions please contact me at 321 439 5145 or email me at pbaramos@hotmail.com

Erik Ramos

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Hope to get a good showing from the best bowlers in the georgia, alabama, and south carolina areas. Should be a great event! Any questions feel free to shoot me an email or call me. Pbaramos@hotmail.com and 321 439 5145

Erik Ramos
Are you putting out a PBA pattern, or is it one of your sport shots that you usually put out?
Hey Mike! The shot is up in the air as of right now, but I assure you it will be a tournament condition. It really doesnt matter what gets put down in that center due to the surface. The scores always end up being fairly medium to low scoring. But am working on a different pattern for the tournament. Also, the pattern that will be out friday night for the sweepers will also be the pattern for the main event as well

Hope to see you there,

mike shoop said:
Are you putting out a PBA pattern, or is it one of your sport shots that you usually put out?
Just to let everyone know. I got Storm and Turbo Grips on board for some raffle items that will be available at the tournament. Thank you to both companies for there support of the southern shootout championship.
Just wanted to let you guys know that credit cards are accepted for your entry to the tournament. There is a $5 fee to the entry if a card is used. The entry to the main event now is $255 if u r using a visa or mastercard. Any questions, please feel free to contact me...

Erik Ramos
Pattern is still TBD.... but entries are still coming in.... Get your squad reserved asap....
We are less then a month away for the 1st annual southern shootout championship. Squads are still available for a and b both. Dont forget the sweepers on friday night. You do not have to reserve your spot for the sweepers in advance. Contact me at 321 439 5145 for reservations or any other questions. Thanks and hope to see some of the real bowlers crew down here in Orlando representing!

Erik Ramos
The Southern Shootout Championship Bowling Weekend is right around the corner.... If you have not reserved your squad as of yet, please do so asap. The field so far is extremely strong and will be a fantastic tournament to watch and participate in. Sweepers are also available on Friday May 15th at 7pm and 9pm. Storm and Turbo 2n1 Grips have jumped on as sponsors for our 1st annual tourney and have graciously donated some balls and bags to be raffled off during the action packed weekend. Any questions, inquiries, or reservations, please email me at pbaramos@hotmail.com or call me at (321) 439-5145. Thanks Again and hope to see you all real soon!

Erik Ramos
Tournament Director

I hope everything is going well. I have to work this weekend so I will not make it. But, I wanted to get this back at the top of the discussion board and hope that some bowlers from the site will go and participate.

Good luck with everything.

I appreciate it buddy, and I totally understand. Maybe you can make it down to the next one, and likewise for me up there. Take care!


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