Thanks to all of the bowlers that came out today and bowled in the RBT Marietta Scratch Open.
Congratulations to Shawn Mckee for winning his first RBT title.
Thanks to the staff at AMF Marietta Lanes for hosting us.
Thanks to the RBT staff for all of your hardwork.

Thanks to all of the ladies that came out and competed with the men you all added a breath of fresh air to the tournament. I believe that's why the scores were high because the men were trying to impress the women :)

Prize Fund Payout and Incentives
64 Bowlers - 1:4 Payout
Top Qualifier - Phil Taylor, Tifton, GA $100
Top female out of cash - Daphne Smith, Simpsonville, SC $100

1st Shawn McKee, Concord, NC $1500
2nd Jeff Shaw, Marietta, GA $750
3rd Alan Chetister, Marietta, GA $400
4th Matt Burden, Anderson, SC $400
5th Phil Taylor, Tifton, GA $240
6th Jake Washington, Hiram, GA (SMART $240)
7th Greg Black Jr., Riverdale, GA $240
8th Dominique Hodo, Riverdale, GA $240
9th Tim Sprattling, Ellenwood, GA $200
10th Ken Taylor Sr., Riverdale, GA $185
11th Jeff Leaphart, Columbia, SC $160
12th Allan Smith, Augusta, GA $150
13th Isom Hawes III, East Point, GA $130
14th Randy Miles, Kennesaw, GA $120
15th Adrienne Miller, Albuquerque, NM, $110
16th Akil Razzak, Morrow, GA $100

17 Jaime Bunch
18 Joe German
19 Nick Smith
20 Jerry Hartsell Jr.
21 Michael Waters
22 De'Mon Green
23 Bryant Rogers
24 Michael Collier
25 Daphne Smith
26 Bruce Heim
27 Chris Tomlinson
28 John Gardner
29 Charles Withers II
30 Charles Waller
31 James Lupoe
32 David Circle
33 Gil Jimenez

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Also, Congrats to Tim Sprattling and Jake Washington for shooting 300 games.
I like the challenging shot yall had out there yall keep up the good work and congrats to Tim Sprattling and Jake Washington for shoooting 300. Good shooting you guys.
Challenging shot....I hope you're not serious?
I agree with Gil the shot was not challenging at all. Yeah they started tight but opened up. I averaged 222 for 8 games and didnt make any money. It took an ave. of 227 to cash and 233 to make matchplay, these are not scores of a challenging patterns. Not taking anything away from the bowlers who scored, yall obvously threw it well, but it wasnt the toughest we have seen thus far thru 5 stops.
people complaining about the shot.....but I don't see your names up their......Coño no jodan......Complaining about the cuts,,,,,no one is putting a gun to your head to show up.......Theo, You and your bro are doing great man keep up the good work.......
No one complained about the shot that was put out for us to shoot on. I will say this though eventually people will get discouraged and probably 2nd guess their decision to attend the tournament if they know or feel like they are gonna have to average 230 to make alittle money, but the ones that will feel like this and get this way are the ones who dont average and score higher on a regular basis. Guys that are capable of shooting like this everytime they shoe up have no problem if it is alittle on the easy side because they are used to shooting numbers. Although they would rather a tougher condition they will shoot on anything. The only bowlers you would lose are the lower average bowlers but you take a chance at losing them if the shot is too hard as well.
LOL, this is a joke right! "you guys"?? maybe if you shoed up and bowled you would 1) know how the shot played 2) know out of the 40 + tourneys we have ran maybe 5-6 have had cuts that high. Please come up with a better reason than that for not bowling.
C'mon "you guy" for some strange reason I would have expected more out of you. Where are you getting your numbers? Because you are not getting them from bowling.

Like I stated earlier thanks to the ladies that came out and put forth the effort.

barry said:
Challenging that shot played like a house shot. I don't get why you guys running this tournament can't make cuts even to 50 over. Evertime it takes 150 to 200 over to make matchplay. People just donate and you wonder why guys don't show up.
There is no perfect formula for shot patterns, people complain if they are easy and they definitely complain if they are hard. Knowing this, we put down shots that present a element of a challenge. A shot dont have to be super hard to be challenging. And Nick what i've discovered over the years is that alot of people say they want a challenging shot, but in reality what they want is a better chance of cashing against league level(house shot) bowlers. I personally feel like tournament bowling should be different than league play, we only lay out the house shot once a year. The rest of our events are on different patterns, like i stated before some patterns will play easier than others......some harder. The way i look at it is everybody has to bowl on the same condition and the people that consider themselves "real bowlers" will bowl and compete regardless. We work very hard to put out the best product we possibly can and we do it as fair as we know how....inspite of all that one thing remains true everytime and that is "you cant please everybody". I know we cant please everybody that come to our tournaments, its impossible......but you know what, we're going to keep trying to please everybody. For every one complaint we get, on the flip side we get seven compliments. I welcome complaints because it let me know where we are and what we need to get better at. So dont think i take offense to any one stating they opinion about something thats not right, because thats the only way we will know how to improve. Now in regard to the obvious haters that just talk and complain and never bowl, your opinion dont matter and you dont count.......keep hating.
Tim I couldnt agree with you more. Real bowlers love to compete and shoot on anything. Those of us that know what we are doing majority of the time we bowl do not enjoy seeing an average house shot league bowler being able to compete and keep up with us because the shots are easy or very playable, we wont quit showing up we will just request a tougher pattern. It is absolutely impossible to please 100% of your crowd. Keep doing what you guys are doing and everything else will take care of itself.
I have found that most of the ones that complain the most are the ones that don't show up and bowl. It kills me how everyone is quick to blame someone else for their own downfalls. If the scores are high then obviously the shot was easy. I personally would have liked it a little harder. But I am not gonna complain about the shot. I have only bowled 3 of the RBT tournaments and I must say I have always enjoyed the tournaments. Tim and Theo put on a great tournament.

I could see how having to average 230+ to make money would discourage some bowlers. My only suggestion is to toughen up the shot a bit. This will come through trial and error. One layout at one house will play completely different at another. In my opinion, the better bowlers will still come out ahead no matter what the shot is.
I would like to get my "2 cents" in. I did not bowl well in this tournament, but that was my fault. The shot played easier than Tim and Theo intended. On almost every sport pattern or modified pattern the shot breaks down and opens up to higher scores. On this pattern some bowlers were able to match up from the beginning, some didn't. Congrats to the ones who did!! I am sure Tim and Theo are aware of how the shot played and will adress it, they pride themselves on putting out challenging patterns. It just so happens that this happened right after the house shot tournament and it has yeilded higher scores. look at the history of the tournaments and you will see that a majority of the time the cuts are a lot lower. Keep up the good work Tim, Theo and the rest of the staff.
I do not see the complaints when certian bowlers are winning, the way I see it is if you didn't win, you just got beat. The bowlers at the top of the standings could compete and win on tougher patterns also. some of the bowlers not at the top could also win on different shots. If you guys are saying those guys shouldn't be there because the scores were high, you are wrong. We all played on the same shot. If I played better I could have been at the top. The fact is no matter what the pattern you have to bowl better than the other bowlers. I'll get em next time. If a lower average bowler beats me in league on an easy shot, I do not go to the owner and complain about the shot. The way I see it, the better bowlers should want the lesser bowlers to win every now and then, that is what keeps them coming back.

Thanks for listening
Nick Smith said:
No one complained about the shot that was put out for us to shoot on. I will say this though eventually people will get discouraged and probably 2nd guess their decision to attend the tournament if they know or feel like they are gonna have to average 230 to make alittle money, but the ones that will feel like this and get this way are the ones who dont average and score higher on a regular basis. Guys that are capable of shooting like this everytime they shoe up have no problem if it is alittle on the easy side because they are used to shooting numbers. Although they would rather a tougher condition they will shoot on anything. The only bowlers you would lose are the lower average bowlers but you take a chance at losing them if the shot is too hard as well.

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