I don’t know how many of you all have noticed, but I have (finally) decided to have my very first tournament in Atlanta.

The Bowling200.com Summer Handicap Doubles Challenge
Handicap Doubles 1st place: $1,500.00 Guaranteed
Scratch Singles 1st place: $500.00 Guaranteed
Handicap Singles 1st place: $500.00 Guaranteed

This is my first tournament, so I am hoping that many of you will be supportive, and come out to bowl! :)

I did my best to try to make a format that I (and others I consulted) felt would be fair and also low entry fee & alibi ... to all. Also – I am putting up my own money as a guarantee that the 1st place prizes will be paid as they say; $1,500 for 1st place doubles; $500 for 1st place scratch singles & $500 for handicap singles. I personally see (and have experienced) tournaments that advertise the “based on entry thing”, which is cool, but I just thought it might be a cool thing for you to get 1st place payouts... just as they are advertised. I actually wanted to make the 1st places higher, but since this is my first tournament, I didn't want to "run before I walk". If it goes well... I am definitely willing to do more $ in future tournaments.

I am looking forward to this, and I am open to any and all suggestions, thoughts (good or bad) that you would like to share.

Thanks for your support, respectfully yours-


Ps – I also would like to thank the Atlanta Pro Shops that are helping to sponsor this tournament. Bowler’s Express, Striking Results, and RAH. Also - Ellen at Funtime Bowl... Thank you!

I look forward to your feedback!

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Is there a cap on the team for the handicap portion
Hey man, yeah... here's the basic scoop:

Handicap ratio: 90% of 210
- Highest USBC 2007/08 book average, of 21 games or more.
Sports League averages are not allowed.
Max Handicap per game: 40 for men | 50 for women
Max Team (and Alibi Team) total average allowed: 420


The USBC rule 319-a2 “ten-pin rule” will apply to this tournament.

This gives everyone from the 155 handicap bowler to the 225 scratch bowler a chance to win because everyone entering; both handicap and scratch bowlers may have to bowl TOGETHER as a team (or collectively as alibi partners) in order to stay within the 420 Team Maximum Team Average. Basically I tried to make it as balanced as I could think of...

For Example:

225 average bowlers will need to partner with bowlers with a 150 to 195 average, in order to stay within the 420 Maximum Team average.


2) 210 (and below) bowlers could pair up easily.
Good luck Chase! I will be there!
hey chase yes i will be there
:) Thank you!!!!

Charles Jordan II said:
hey chase yes i will be there
I will be there as well.
Hey Greg,

The rule has changed and the "10-pin" rule WILL apply....sooooooo, I guess that locks us out.
The 10 pin rule will NOT apply to this tournament. I apologize about the confusion. I forgot to update the info here at the realbowlers community.

After a meeting, we felt that making it a maximum 40 pins for men (50 for women) would pretty much keep things where if you cash in this tournament, it means you really bowled good and not (3) 175 games with 70 or 80 pins handicap. Actually, I kinda modeled thing close to the way Theo & Tim does the Realbowlers Sweepers as far as that max pins...and I think it works!!!

The bowlers that have improved can now come out and “see” if they are able to make their hard work and time put in to improve “pay-off” $$$ . But, I will warn you now… you will NOT be bowling on a regular house shot. But, the shot will be very fair to all.

Tillie Freeland said:
Hey Greg,

The rule has changed and the "10-pin" rule WILL apply....sooooooo, I guess that locks us out.
Hey Chase,

Thanks for the update. I'll be there. Hey Greg...I guess we're back on!
Chase I"ll definately be there!!! I respect you as a person so I have to support you man!!!
Thank you sir!!!!

Akil Razzak said:
Chase I"ll definately be there!!! I respect you as a person so I have to support you man!!!

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