I've had the opportunity to bowl my only summer league at Metro Lanes Monday night at Metro. I've bowled back to back low 500's and I know this is basically due to my game plan, ball choice and execution. I bowled on the same pair that Akil Razaak shot 784 and other bowlers on the pair shot well, so I can't say there wasn't a good shot oput there. I just want to know what is the purpose of this condition? The lanes start out super tight, long oil and dry to the outside is not a good combination, I always thought outside shots should have shorter oil patterns and inside shots should have longer oil. By the third game the heads are dried out from all the dull balls being used in the same area. I don't throw soft enough to move in or hard enough to stay out. Can anybody give me a suggestion on how to play this . I'm not having much fun here, bowling is supposed to be a game isn't it?

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I personally think they ruined the shot at Metro lanes. There is nothing that you can learn at Metro that you can take to a different bowling center. You miss a little left the ball stays right, because the lanes are flooded and long oiled. Yes, you can score there and I have thrown some good games. I feel like I am figuring out the transition once the outside starts breaking down. Once I sense the break down I make a big move in and really have to slow down but make sure I hit the ball and still get it out to the dry a little further down the lane. But still if I miss just a little left The ball will not recover and it will not even hit the head pin. No I am not whining, It is a challenging shot, but it is not the tipical house shot. I personally do not like the shot, but it challenges me to try every week to get better at it. I liked the previous shot they had there. Congrats to all the bowlers who have shot honor scores there.

Just my humble opinion
I agree with Randy. There is a playable shot at metro but in all run bowling that all the time will ruin someones game.
I love the shot at Metro because it has renewed my desire to practice with a purpose and i havent had a need to do that in years. Having a shot that reward you for staying behind your ball and playing a different part of the lane is gratifying. In our Wed. nite trio league there are over 25 bowlers who average over 210 and the top male average is over 235......what that shows me is that it is a very playable shot. Not having a shot where you close your eyes and throw it to the ditch is the best thing to happen to that house. All it takes is a little practice on the lanes and throwing the right piece........also hand position(that the key). Try it:)
I actually like the shot at Metro myself. It makes me stay focused, plus I love the challenge of something different as well. I am averaging about the same, but I have to play a totally different part of the lane. Had to move right and change somethings with my arm swing. I personally have not requested any changes with the shot, but for the past year I have heard bowlers complaining about houses not putting any oil on the lanes. It looks like Metro did what the bowlers were asking for and put some oil on the lanes. (a lot) :)

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