Since this is the real bowlers website. I trust that you all have knowledge of the game when it comes to the equipment we use. Well lets talk about it. To all you high rollers who are sponored lets not full this discussion with shameless plugs! I am wondering what are your favorite balls. Here are some of mine. Track Up-rising: the ball I shot my first 300 with. Ebonite playmaker: I shot my first and at this point only 800. Ebonite pinslasher same core as the playmaker but with stonger cover. Hammer onyx vibe Reads the lane very well and does what we all love...carries! Ebonite the one (encore) and nvd the lower rg of these balls helps to read the lane earlier but the a explosive breakpoint they bring a ton to the party. I dont own one but I do like the way the storm hyroad is a all around performer. I have seen various people of different styles use them. The same can be said of the Columbia cool noize. Anyway, what method do you go by when you choose your balls. Me personally, I swear by bowlers journal, (although I think they are bias to brunswick equipment). Well thats my time thanks for reading and please add to the discussion.
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