A couple of weeks ago I was able to attend a Ladies Tournament here in Atlanta. Even though it was not a very large field their were some tough and impressive women bowling. As we prepare for our upcoming season our first stop will be a Ladies Tournament on December 6th. But my question since I am kind of green to Lady bowlers is: Who are the Best Female Bowlers in the South?

So far we have: (per your responses)
1.Tinickia Fleming
2.Quantrelle Green
3.Andrea Lofstrand
4.Paulette Sanders
5.Tesa Dyson
6.Vicki Mann
7. Lucy Sandelin
8. Lisa Wagner
9. Allison Wilkerson
10. Daphne Buelterman
11. Kate Vanderhoef
12. Connie Fleming ??
13. Tameka Jackson
14. Megan Kimbler
15. Vanina Carlton
16. LaTonya Walker
17. Tonya Joseph
18. Elizabeth Carter
19. LaToya Williams
20. Aesha Turner
21. Cathy Hovator-Hill

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Personally, Tinickia Fleming out of South Carolina is pretty impressive to me.
Well, to put a plug in for the local ladies, I have bowled league with Quantrell Green
and Andrea Lofstrand and they make great teamates. They are clutch bowlers and can put up some good numbers. Tesa Dyson is also very good.
It is very difficult for me to name the out right best female bowlers in the area because i dont get a chance to see many of them bowl on a regular basis. I will however give these ladies props for being pretty good bowlers......Quan, Tesa, Allison, Latonya, Tameka, Andrea, Tara, Barbie, Rebecca, Connie, Deborah, Nina, Candy, Velma and Barbie. There is one Atlanta female bowler that impresses me whenever i see her bowl in league and tournaments and she always seem to be at or near the top of the standings and that is..........Paulette Sanders. I like the way she approaches the game and feel she is a clutch bowler. I am not saying she is the best bowler in the city, i am only saying i like her game and i think she is a nice bowler.
T. Fleming is very good. Don't forget Vicki Mann out of Asheville.
hey guys lets not forget about Lucy Sandelin Out of tampa who won the ladies event at metro lanes. She can knock down a lot of pins and lisa wagner is pretty good also even though she has not bowled very well the last couple of years.
I think its impossible to really say who is the best female bowler, because bowling has a way of humbling even the best bowlers sometimes. I think all of those mentioned are incredibly gifted and very good; however, if I had to choose one to build my team around, I am starting with ALLISON WILKERSON.
Out of the greenville, sc area I would say Tee Fleming and Daphne Buelterman. Tee's mom Connie is also one of the top female bowlers in our area. Lee Vanderhoef's wife Kate is in the mix too.
Hi; Real Bowlers Associates
Now you guys don't think Tameka Jackson belongs on that list? To me, She can bowl with any of the females on that list that i know. So what i know only a few of the females there. But the ones i do know, I wouldn't feel bad if she was on my team.
But i know how she feels. People don't respect my game either, So TJ, Lets contiously
keep putting up numbers. See i'm going to make them respect me. They would say; Who is that? and all you hear is N Y C E .
Based on the stats on her page and the record she holds in Illinois I have to add Megan Kimbler. Even though I have never seen her bowl. Is there anyone out there that can vouch for her?
You cant forget get Vanina Carlton and Latonya Walker both of them have titles from serious events Nina the Queens that was held at Union City and Latonya the 1st Something For the Ladies tourney created by Real Bowlers Tournament
I've got to go with Tinikia Fleming as my favorite in the South. As far as women solely in Atlanta (because I don't know many outside of Atlanta), I always like watching Quantrelle bowl. Tesa has shown me a level of versatility that I don't really see that much in us-- especially in Detroit this year. And I agree with Tim McNair about Paulette.
I don't see many different players anymore, especially the ladies. However I have to throw Lisa in there, she's already on the list, but even if she doesn't bowl that much anymore her resume speaks for itself. I saw Tesa bowl at the Cream of the Crop and she throws it great, and LaTonya impresses more and more each time I see her roll. She made the cut at the scratchfest this weekend on one of the hardest conditions I have ever seen.

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