Effective today, the format for the RealBowlers Tour has been tweaked a little. We have found a way to add an additonal game to qualifying.

There will now be a total of eight (8) games instead of seven (7). So, the new format will be:
Two rounds of qualifying, everyone bowls five (5) games, cut field in half, bowl three (3) more games, cut to Top 8. Top 8 has three (3) rounds of seeded match play to the champion (these matches will be one game elimination) – don’t have to make match play to cash, top qualifier after 8 games gets bonus of $100 cash.

The payout will remain at 1:4 and first place will remain at $1500.

Thanks for your input and we hope this will make the tournaments better and increase your chances of winning.

Let us know your thoughts.

Views: 67


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Comment by Theo McNair on October 16, 2009 at 8:43pm
For those that did not see this post, here it is again. The past couple of weeks these questions have come up so I post this again. We never said it was perfect, plus we had the cut straight to the cashers last season and there were just as many complaints.
It is what it is, we hope you still continue to support us as we continue to put on real tournaments for real bowlers. Its not just a slogan.

And a BIG Thank You to everyone that has continued to support us through out the years.
Comment by F.O.X on February 7, 2009 at 1:06am
Comment by Kenny Taylor on February 6, 2009 at 7:40pm
That sounds good. Another game could be fun. Side action suggestions: $10.00 cut the field, all finalists will cash, and "mystery doubles" $10.00 per person, tournament official randomly picks partners, writes partners names on score sheets and last game is used to determine winners. Pay first, second and third place (50%, 30% and 20%).
Comment by Nick Smith on February 6, 2009 at 1:05pm
I think it makes perfect sense. Good move on the McNairs part.
Comment by TIM MCNAIR on February 6, 2009 at 6:57am
Well said little bro.
Comment by Theo McNair on February 5, 2009 at 4:48pm
OK, there are a couple of reasons for the changes I will try to answer the three questions in one blurb.
Unfortunately, for $100 we can not have everyone bowl 8 games and still have a good 1:4 payout. Our evaluation along with the feedback we received after the first two tournaments was let's try and add one more game for the entire field.
Secondly, our experience has shown, if you are not in the top half of a field of 60 bowlers after 5 games you are less likely to be in the cash after 8 games.
Also, we have compared ourselves with the market and there are not many tournaments that gives you the number of games we do, or payout what we pay for the type of tournaments that we run.
Last year, we had a total of 6 games for everyone and cut straight to match play. That, we felt may have been a little abrupt. Also, we had bowlers after 3 or 4 games beginning to quit literally and mentally because they felt they had no chance to cash.
With the cut you eliminate 1) alot of linage from bowlers who don't have a chance 2) you free up money to be able to pay as I stated a decent 1:4 ratio 3) you give the top half of bowlers a chance to bowl on the lanes with those that are close in score to them and everyone knows what they are shooting for (to me it adds a little more pressure and excitement to everyone trying to make the top 8 match play round).

So, half of the bowlers make the first cut. Then half of those make money. That's what the 1:4 and this format does.

Erik, our tournaments usually run about 5 1/2 hours from start to finish.

I may be wrong but, we never said it was the perfect format :) just close. These are our thoughts after doing over 30 scratch singles tournaments. It's hard to get it right for everyone.
Comment by Erik Lee on February 5, 2009 at 3:00pm
What is the time frame of the tournament from start to finish?
Comment by Nick Smith on February 5, 2009 at 2:18pm
I like it. What brought about the change?
Comment by ron evans on February 5, 2009 at 12:21pm
very good change..4 games was too short..(still wonder about the purpose of the first cut)

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