Just something fun to talk about. I been hearing people say they are in the top 5 best bowlers in the state of georgia. Each person has their own opinions and everyone should feel like they are the best. So, I decided to ask you who do you think the top 10 bowlers of Georgia are male or female?

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I agree with Johnnie Jackson's list. I made my list off of the bowlers that I know of and I apologize if I left anyone out. Thanks to everyone for giving me some names to look out for, I cant wait to see some of these bowlers bowl.
I mean who can't agree with Johnnies top 10. He ended up listing the top 40. I feel the hard part of making a top 10 list is it is only ten people that you feel are the top. All of these honorable mentions makes it easy to say "you are not my top ten but I will still list your name in case someone else feels you are." I must add 9) Chris Collins to my list and 10) Tony Harvey to round out my top 10.

Also, Dominique do you want the best in the past 10 yrs or do you want the best right now. I think that's where the line is a little shady. ex. Michael Jordan was the best in his time but he is not the best right now.

Dominique, I am also with you as well "I can't wait to see some of these bowlers bowl" as well. It is hard to put someone as the best and they don't come and bowl where the best bowl ex. PBA Regionals, RealBowlers Tour, The Bradley, Super Hoinke to name a few. (Yes, some of the best bowl on the RBT, right here in Atl believe it or not) I feel when you compete against the best it shows where you measure up. Not just bowling 3 game sets with a bunch of handicap bowlers in handicap tournaments and being the big fish in the small pond. Just my opinion.

(my brother is going to get me for leaving this post :)
I'll stick with my top 10, and add two to my HM list. Tony Harvey and Chris Collins(sorry if it bothers people to give shout outs for good bowlers). All people are doing by adding extra names is generating more discussion to the site.
No, Randy I understand maybe 2 or 3 names as HMs, I'm just saying maybe there needs to be a topic posted for the top 20 if everyone is going to list close to 20 bowlers :)
I still just listed 10 as my top 10. and every top 10 list there was just had 10. people just want give credit to great bowlers. I do realize that the topic says top 10, but it doesn't say you cant have HM's.

Luv Ya Theo
Really what needs to happen is 1. there should have been measurements to go by in creating such a list, and 2. everyone needs to understand that the comments are strictly everyones personal opinions and you cant get disappointed or offended over that.
This is very good guys. We should give Dominique a hand for starting this discussion. (Well done Dominique). Respectfully everyone has an opinion and if you are not the best in your own mind then something is wrong. I bowl once a week and I feel like I am doing pretty good but I am not going to fool myself. Pro's do things for a living. Semi- pro's either don't have the resources or drive to compete with the best and yes some people want to dominate in their own backyards. I would love to see an invitation only tournament of the 40 or 50 so called best bowlers who would compete for Bowler of the People's Choice. LOL
This is great guys and yes Theo and Tim, this discussion has given me drive to bowl in one of your upcoming tournaments. Thx again Dominique. I believe this discussion will move some of the other people mentioned to step up their game and bowl some of your tournaments as well.
All in the spirit of competition.
Be blessed, KGJ
Theo, most people myself included listed bowlers in there honorable mention to show recognition to bowlers that deserve,(in their opinion) to be recognized. Like Randy Russell stated, the talent pool in GA is very deep and some great bowlers would be excluded by just listing 10 bowlers. After observing everyones list the vast majority have pretty much the same bowlers in their top 10 give or take a few names. Having a honorable mention adds a little more variety to the discussion and it also make us aware of bowlers that we may not be familiar with. I would like to see some of these GA bowlers that are considered the best in the state compete against each other. That would be exciting to watch. For the most part we do get the best bowlers in GA at our tournaments, i would like to see more of them. For those of you who have never bowled in a RBT event, try us out.....its fair, organized competition and you definitely compete with the best bowlers in the south. Its a great way to measure your game and have a good time doing it.

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