Just a couple question for you competitive league and tournament bowlers.  We would appreciate all honest and uncut input. 

Whats your favorite bowling center in the greater Atlanta region and why?

What bowling center in the greater Atlanta area do you dislike most and why?

In your opinion, what can a bowling center do to increase league and tournament play?

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 My favorite center is Brunswick Zone Marietta Delk Rd., its high scoring but consistant, and they give the league bowlers little perks like popcorn nand pizza. Second best is AMF Marietta, good tournament house, friendly staff. BZ Austell and the house in Douglasville are nice too.

 I dislike Forest Park. Two or three years ago it was a decent house for leagues and tournaments but it seems like they enjoy torturing bowlers with funky lane conditions. Its just not any fun for me. Metro has its obstacles and distractions but the lanes are very nice at times.

 I think a bowling center should be clean and bowler friendly. A recreation that you pay money for, should be fun. Scratch leagues and tournaments should be a little more challenging, but not aggrevating. People bowl leagues for relaxation and tournaments for competition. I've seen bowling centers give buffets for the tournament bowlers (Chattanooga Tn and Whitestone NY), unforgettable and enjoyable. Not everybody is going to win, but everyone can enjoy themselves.

thanks for the input kenny.  So you believe if the shot is easier, the scores would b much higher, in which people are having more fun!?!?!?!  Fun = strikes and that would increase league play participation!?!?! 

  Not blindfold easy, not impossible,medium, USBC red or white would be nice conditions. Fair handicap systems would be nice, keep the handicap base higher than the highest average bowlers allowed in the league. Don't allow 3 - 220 bowlers bowl on a team with a 210 handicap base, they will win every year. Scratch leagues/tournaments need caps, if you let the 2 highest average bowlers bowl together in a scratch doubles tournament they will win 75% of the time. People get tired of the same people winning, they don'ty say anything they just stop coming. Bowling is booming in Las Vegas and Dallas, nice conditions, good food and drink reasonably priced. Houses compete for the bowler, here they try to monopolize (AMF), houses are folding one by one. Its sad. 

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