Question, What is the one thing that you have in your head when you are bowling good. (good for one person may be different from another, we want to hear from everyone) What is the one or two things that you tell yourself to keep you on that string of strikes or on that great series? It may be several things. Share them with the rest of us.

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Comment by Timothy Small on July 5, 2013 at 11:03pm
For me it is different every time. Sometimes one key might be the thing I am thinking about that brought on the zone I am enjoying. Sometimes two or three keys might be going through my mind, but the fewer the better. The most important thing is to make good shots to stay up with the lane changes. If you throw a bad shot the lane could change at that exact time and then you're in trouble. Keep making good shots to stay in touch with the lane conditions. The pins don't lie, if you make a good shot and leave a 4 pin the lane is probably breaking down. Too many bowlers think that they slowed the speed down and blame themselves, and it could be, but remember that if the oil is dissipating the friction will slow the ball down even if you throw the ball the same speed out of your hand. The same is true from carry down. The bowler thinks he threw the ball with too much speed, but in reality the lane condition dictated the speed. I have also done the song thing and it definitely helps to have been there before. Deep breaths can never hurt in a pressure situation, as long as you don't hyper-ventilate. What's the old joke to play on a bowler? Do you inhale or exhale when you release the ball? I hold my breath, so don't try it on me.
Comment by Nick Smith on March 10, 2009 at 8:19am
Typically i have a song in my head and usually its the last one i heard before bowling. I mix that with a small checklist as i get set.
Comment by Martin on March 10, 2009 at 12:55am
All I say is come through the ball.
Comment by Billy Rohde on August 19, 2008 at 4:40pm
what is going through my head nothing. If I start thinking to much then I start making bad shots. I just take a deep breath let out slowly and my job is to knock down pins.
Comment by Dennis Killough on July 21, 2008 at 9:47pm
When things are going right and confidence is high, there's not anything going through my head. I am just going through the motions and believe every shot will strike. Now when things are wrong, it's like a symphony in there.
Comment by Kyle Miller on July 16, 2008 at 10:50am
I dont think too much, I just tell myself to hit my mark, its as simple as that.
Comment by randy hicks on July 13, 2008 at 8:09pm
when I am on the aproach needing a money shot, I tell myself I am an athelete and to make a good atheletic shot. All the guys at my home center always compete, so we put ourselves in pressure situations all the time. I believe the more times you are in these situations the better you handle them.
Comment by Allan Smith on July 7, 2008 at 2:13pm
When I am in the "groove", I sing a somg in my head that replicates my timing of my delivery. The way I see it, when you are in the zone, the body takes over what you have to do, all you need to do is keep your body calm and in tempo. Atleast that is what seems to work best for me! (My song of choice is the cupid shuffle!)

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