Theo McNair's Blog (7)

Proprietors Cup - Scoring pace

OK, heres my take about the scoring pace at the Proprietors Cup today:

Bowlers never win a tournament shooting "avg" you have to shoot above avg to win, I am certain without a whole lot of research that 90% of the guys in this field at the Proprietors Cup avgs 230+ on a house shot in their leagues. Averaging 230 to make the cut may be hard to me and others bcuz thats not our avg...(I avg more like 195-205 :) You are not going to get guys to shoe up against the pros on their A games…


Added by Theo McNair on July 14, 2012 at 11:36pm — 9 Comments

RB Real Money Mixed League

First off a special thanks to all of the bowlers that helped make this first year of the league a success. This was by far the most competitive league I have ever bowled in. Also, was the best payout I have seen in years.

Thanks to Bruce Richardson the owner of Metro Lanes and Games for his hospitality and support in making this one of if not the best paying league in the city. Thanks to Sandra Edmonds the Sec/Tres. for all of her hard work helping me keep everything organized.… Continue

Added by Theo McNair on May 22, 2009 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

RBT Format Change

Effective today, the format for the RealBowlers Tour has been tweaked a little. We have found a way to add an additonal game to qualifying.

There will now be a total of eight (8) games instead of seven (7). So, the new format will be:

Two rounds of qualifying, everyone bowls five (5) games, cut field in half, bowl three (3) more games, cut to Top 8. Top 8 has three (3) rounds of seeded match play to the champion (these matches will be one game elimination) – don’t have to… Continue

Added by Theo McNair on February 5, 2009 at 12:00pm — 9 Comments

Real Bowler of the Year

Last seasons point race, to Isom Hawes of East Point, GA credit was not really a race at all. After 4 tournaments he basically ran off with the points and I feel everyone else kind of gave in to the race. This season on the other hand is a pretty tight battle with just two tournaments left.

Lee Vanderhoef of Greenville, SC started the first 4 tournaments as if he was going to do the samething this year, but fortunately for us and the bowlers that are in the top 5 listed here,… Continue

Added by Theo McNair on July 30, 2008 at 1:06am — No Comments

Atlanta Summer Scratch 08

Before I start I would like to first of all take the time to thank all the "Real Bowlers" that came out and supported the RealBowlers Tour. Congrats to Jim Wolcott and Joshua Harper for showing the mental toughness and sportsmanship that we love to see.

Today was a day of adversity and challenges. We first had bad weather, that should have been a sign.:) The oil pattern we requested, advertised and confirmed… Continue

Added by Theo McNair on July 14, 2008 at 12:02am — 9 Comments

Let's Get in Your Head

Question, What is the one thing that you have in your head when you are bowling good. (good for one person may be different from another, we want to hear from everyone) What is the one or two things that you tell yourself to keep you on that string of strikes or on that great series? It may be several things. Share them with the rest of us.

Added by Theo McNair on June 25, 2008 at 3:00pm — 8 Comments

What is your favorite bowling ball of all time?

Which ball do you wish you still had or never want to let go of? I believe everyone has had a ball that was drilled perfect, came off their hands the right way, average increased, you name it. I personally had a Orange Pirahna that I loved. It would hold when I tug it (as always). And it would come off the ditch back to the pocket when I threw it out. Unfortunately, my ball got chewed up in the machines at AMF Union City. I opted to replace it for some strange reason with a Critical Mass. I… Continue

Added by Theo McNair on June 21, 2008 at 6:30am — 26 Comments

Latest Activity

David M Barber commented on Theo McNair's group Seniors (better with age)
"Anybody know when 2016 schedule is coming out..from NC & alittle far to travel, looking for senior tours, so may have to travel more thanks"
Jan 3, 2016
Glen Cogni is now a member of RealBowlers
Dec 11, 2015
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Dec 11, 2015
Gerard Almarales updated their profile
Nov 20, 2015
Paul Summons updated their profile
Aug 26, 2015
Paul Summons commented on Valerie Jeffries's photo


"Good afternoon Ms.Valerie hope alls well are you on FB? Look me up " Paul Skippy Summons ' if not shoot me an email"
Aug 25, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Thanks Paul. I had a great experience!!"
Aug 17, 2015
Valerie Jeffries left a comment for Paul Summons
"Hi Paul !"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Summons left a comment for Valerie Jeffries
"Nice meeting you this weekend Ms.Valerie and great bowling"
Aug 17, 2015
Paul Michael Matye is attending Theo McNair's event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 14, 2015
James Cooper Jr. is attending Theo McNair's event

Roto Grip 4 Game Sweeper $500 at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 15, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Scratch Singles Event  $500 1st Place Total score for 4 games wins! 1:5 Payout Ratio HOUSE SHOT $50 Entry FeeSee More
Aug 14, 2015
Theo McNair updated an event

$5000 Eric DeFreitas Scratch Singles Classic sponsored by Boom Apparel at Junction Lanes Bowling Center

August 16, 2015 from 8am to 9pm
 Tournament Formata)     The field is open to the first 160 bowlers.  These bowlers will bowl a six game block moving to the second pair to…See More
Aug 13, 2015

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RealMoney Mixed 2010-11 Final Standings!!


Updated 5/16/2011

Updated 5/24/10
wedtrio09- Final Standings.pdf Updated 8/21/09
ThursMoney09-Final Standings.pdf
UPDATED 5/25/09

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