OK, heres my take about the scoring pace at the Proprietors Cup today:

Bowlers never win a tournament shooting "avg" you have to shoot above avg to win, I am certain without a whole lot of research that 90% of the guys in this field at the Proprietors Cup avgs 230+ on a house shot in their leagues. Averaging 230 to make the cut may be hard to me and others bcuz thats not our avg...(I avg more like 195-205 :) You are not going to get guys to shoe up against the pros on their A games (sport patterns) for $1100 a person. I would not put that kind of money up on an amatuer against a pro unless I feel I have good odds, a sport shot would not be good odds.

Also, Billy Eysoldt the Tournament Director made it known from the offset that it would not be a tough pattern. So, all of the bowlers knew or should have known what they were up against when they signed up, its just the people watching that seemed to not know.

I personally believe it was a great concept, especially for a once a year event. When you do a sport shot for something like this you eliminate certain people and styles of game before they shoe up, so its best to do something very playable that everyone is use to bowling on.

Wishing them much success in the future!!

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Comment by Joe Beck on July 18, 2012 at 6:59pm

Congrats on making money Terry Wilson Jr. 

I don't think you understand my point. By the analogies of several earlier comments one could conclude that the PBA shouldn't use the Cheetah pattern because the scoring pace is higher. My point is, the pattern doesn't matter, as long as everybody gets the same look. I don't care if the overall tournament average is 165 or 225, most bowlers scores will reflect the difficulty of the lanes - even the top pros. So, given that, if I want to host a tournament that allows the top pros to bowl and I hope to draw ANY regular bowlers out as well, I cannot offer a condition where they feel they have no chance. The pros will adapt to anything, so why not set up a more scorable condition so they can at least hope to get lucky.

at least you spelled 'idiot' correctly

Comment by Terry Wilson Jr on July 18, 2012 at 2:21pm

hahahhahahaha i would comment/reply back to this idiot JOE BUCK but he's a waste of time!!!  u have no idea of how much money I've made in bowling!!!!!  GO AWAY....we were talking about theo's posted a blog about the PROPRIETORS CUP AND ITS TOURNY STRUCTURE!!!!  no one is complaining.....we just don't believe its the greatest of all ideas!!!!

Comment by Joe Beck on July 18, 2012 at 12:59pm

I only see negative comments and those come from folks who failed to make money. How about this concept:

Yes a house shot is easier, but... I don't expect to win on a house shot averaging 225 - 230. Skill IS required in that you don't carry consistently if you don't throw the ball well. THAT is why the best bowlers rise to the top. An easier shot means higher scores, but it still never results in a win by someone who was not bowling well. Making the correct adjustments - equipment, hand, angle, whatever - to carry is a skill too. The guy that makes the correct adjustment soonest wins. Stop complaining and start practicing.

Comment by Chase on July 17, 2012 at 4:05pm

I have never seen a scratch tournament where the scores were so high.  I personally feel like a scratch bowling tournament should be at least "a little" harder than seeing who will "carry" the best.... 

 Just my 2 cents...

Comment by F.O.X on July 17, 2012 at 2:10pm

It seems Mr. Williams, Mr Wilson, myself and probably a few others concur that when you go to a tournament, that it should be a test of skill and knowledge of bowling. Not who can carry the best.

Yet, Mike hit the nail on the head. The tournaments today are to make money. In order to make money, the shot has to be "soft" because if it's not, the entries go down, and the TRUE bowlers take over with their knowledge and skill.

"House shots aren't bowling, you dont have to have any skill to hit them." Quoted from Mike A Williams II

I'm done.......
Comment by Michael A Williams II on July 17, 2012 at 10:15am

This tournament was a really confusing to me... I bowled in the team event on Friday with Team Track, i was very disappointed at how easy that lane condition was to hit...  When a bowler puts in that kind of money $1100 there needs to be a tough shot out on the lanes.. A shot where the bowlers have to use all of there knowledge about the game to succeed.

It just hurts me to see bowling center proprietors and tournament directors put on events to make money instead of preserving the integrity of the game.  It just seems that if bowling was easy everyone would do it for a living. House shots aren't bowling, you dont have to have any skill to hit them. There is a man legally blind that bowls here in montgomery, al he averages 215 in the house. no one want to go to a tournament where a 230 average doesnt cash, that is ludacris.

Comment by F.O.X on July 17, 2012 at 1:39am
LOL. I have to agree with Mr. Wilson, that wasn't a good idea to have such a soft shot for the caliber of bowlers in the field.

Then the 1100.oo entry fee is even funnier to bowl on a house shot. Yet, the 1100.oo is a mere drop in the bucket for most of them because most of the players there are either on staff or sponsored by someone.

The Proprietor's Cup was a big ticket, big name carry contest. Nothing more, nothing less.

The entry fee: 1100.00

The names: Jason Couch, Anthony Pepe, Frankie Calca, Shannon Pluhowsky, Brandon Novak, JonathanVan Hees, Dean Billings, Jim Petzel, Fero Williams, Mason Brantley made the top 10.

3056/656 over. avg 254
3008/608 over. avg 250
2946/546 over. avg 245
2923/523 over. avg 243
2921/521 over. avg 243
2899/499 over. avg 241
2840/440 over. avg 237
2838/438 over. avg 237
2832/432 over. avg 236
2828/428 over. avg 236

These are the top ten scores and averages for 12 GAMES?!
Do you know how many strike had to be thrown to accomplish this?

These are the facts, and the facts don't lie.

Carry contest, not skill contest. Just a question of who can carry the corners like Mr Wilson stated........
Comment by Terry Wilson Jr on July 16, 2012 at 6:02am

but shootout to the homie mason b...mr RMG!!!  holding it down for us Detroit Players!!!!  lol

Comment by Terry Wilson Jr on July 16, 2012 at 6:01am

good concept???  NOT QUIET!!!!  that tourney has no potential to grow...amateurs are AFRAID to bowl pros and pros despise THS...add that fat 1100 dollar ticket....equals poor participation!!!!  the 55 ppl they had bowline this weekend was MAX!!!!  no way they can improve on that...i wish these guys the best as well but they can work on that concept of pro+ths+$1100!!!!  lmbo...i don't care how good u think u are...im sure mr gates himself thinks 1100 is a pretty penny to gamble on corner carry!!! lol  

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