Hey everyone,
I would like to say Thanks for what I felt was a good first half. My team did not finish as high as I would have liked but overall I was satisfied with the league and the level of competition.

Congrats to Michelle, Charles, Barry and Myron (Lock it up) for winning the first half.

Special thanks to Bruce Richardson manager of Metro Lanes and Sandra Edmonds Sec/Tres for the league for their help in making this league happen.

Tell me your thoughts.

Views: 27

Replies to This Discussion

The first half was great, and the league is very good too. It will be fun to watch all of those great bowlers battle this 2nd half. "Lock it Up" sure has a great team of very good bowlers.
Thanks Theo and Chase for congratulating our team "Lock It Up" we really appreciate it. As for the league, I think that Theo, Allison and especially Sandra run a very good league. I have not seen a league put together like this on this level in a very long time. Mr. Bruce Richardson, the Manager of Metro Lanes thank you for all of your continued support.

Great Job!!! Keep up the good work!!!
I didnt enjoy the 1st half at all.......thats because i didnt get a chance to bowl much.:) It sucks watching from the side lines!!!! My thoughts on the league is....its the best paying league i've ever bowled in, Theo, Allison, and San has done an incredible job with everything. Big ups to Bruce for showing all bowling center proprietors how things should be done. Also congrats to Lock it Up for locking it up literally.....hopefully my team will be in mix for the second half. This league hopefully will set the standard for other leagues to follow. We the bowlers deserve to get what we pay for and thats what make this league unique......the moneys the way it should be. Good luck to everyone!!!!


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